Conference on “Analyzing Strategic Interactions in Political Decision-making”, May 09-11 2109

Conference on “Analyzing Strategic Interactions in Political Decision-making”, May 09-11 2109

The Standing Group is glad to announce the 2019 conference which will take place in Lisbon from 09-11 May 2019. The conference is organized by PatrĂ­cia Calca ( CIES-IUL), Vera Troeger (University of Warwick) and Sebastian Koehler (University of Konstanz). More information on the conference and how to apply can be found here:

Panels seeking papers for ECPR General Conference 2018

Panels seeking papers for ECPR General Conference 2018

The following panels for the section on Analytical Politics and Public Choice are currently seeking papers for the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg: Tanja Dannwolf and Daniel Finke: “Analyzing Legislative Politics in Multilevel Settings: New Challenges“. Marc Debus: “Intra-party Politics, Government Formation and Coalition Governance“ Eric Linhart: “Experiments and Simulations in Political Science“