Vacancy: Associate Editor for ECPR Press

The ECPR Press are looking for an Associate Editor with a passion for publishing to develop the expanding portfolio. Working alongside an existing Associate Editor and two Co-Editors, this is an excellent opportunity to network among the political science community, to build a reputation in your academic field, and to be part of a flourishing imprint during this dynamic and important time in academic publishing.

Person specification
The successful candidate will have at least three years’ postdoctoral experience of academic work, with an impressive research record.This position requires significant commitment, and applicants should be prepared to be proactive in the day-to-day production process, as well as in the longer-term development of the imprint.

Officially starting from 1 February 2015, the position will run for three years, renewable for a further three. All applicants must be in the employ of an ECPR member institution. Find out here whether your institution holds ECPR membership.

Deadline 23 January


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