New Journal – Democratic Theory – Call for Papers

Call for Papers
Deadline March 2014, ongoing (rolling) thereafter

Democratic Theory ( is a peer-reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn. It encourages philosophical and interdisciplinary contributions that critically explore democratic theory – in all its forms. Spanning a range of views, the journal offers a crossdisciplinary forum for diverse theoretical questions to be put forward and systematically examined. It encourages western as well as non-western ideas and is actively based on the premise that there are many forms of democracies and many types of democrats.

As a forum for debate, the journal challenges theorists to ask and answer the perennial questions that plague the field of democratisation studies:

  • Why is democracy so prominent in the world today?
  • What is the meaning of democracy?
  • Will democracy continue to expand?
  • Are current forms of democracy sufficient to give voice to ‘the people’ in an increasingly fragmented and divided world?
  • Who leads in democracy?
  • What types of non-western democratic theories are there?
  • Should democrats always defend democracy?
  • Should democrats be fearful of de-democratisation, post democracies and the rise of hybridised regimes?

For too long, the discourse of democracy has been colonized and predetermined by the West. Now more than ever there is a need to globalize – and by extension democratize – how we think about democracy: Democratic Theory provides the means for these essential debates to germinate and develop.

Colleagues are invited to submit research articles, excerpts of interviews, critical commentaries, and review essays (see for more). Papers received by, or before, March 2014 will be given full consideration for inclusion in our 2nd issue of 2014. Papers received thereafter will be aimed at later issues.

Please email submissions to:

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