Interest groups and public policy:
Mobilization, lobbying strategies and influence

The Summer School on Interest Group Politics is an initiative of the ECPR Standing Group on Interest Groups. The summer schools aim to provide students of political science and public administration sound knowledge about organized interests and lobbying organizations.

The 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics at the University of Hamburg focuses on interest groups and their impact on public policy. Through a variety of courses taught by renowned interest scholars from Europe and the US, students will learn about the different stages of the lobbying process involving the mobilization, the strategies and the influence that interest groups exert on public policy.

The summer school combines theoretical as well as methodological courses to provide students with advanced training in the latest theoretical approaches and in cutting-edge methodological techniques applied in the study of interest groups. In addition, the summer school will provide students with an international forum to build an academic network with other junior and senior scholars in interest group research.

Students will in addition have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research project to get feedback from the instructors and the other students. The best paper will be awarded a prize by the convenors of the ECPR Summer School.


The 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics is convened by:

Heike Klüver (University of Hamburg)
Caelesta Braun (Utrecht University)
Laura Chaqués Bonafont (University of Barcelona and IBEI)

Local organizers
Heike Klüver (University of Hamburg)
Florian Weiler (University of Bamberg)

See for more information: