Established in 2015

Presidents are crucial political actors both politically and institutionally. They often play a decisive role as international actors, party leaders, electoral campaigners, government members, legislative proponents, constitutional guarantors, and veto players. The literature on how presidents matter to democracy and government performance has expanded in the last decades (e.g. Shugart and Carey 1992; Linz et al. 1994; Mainwaring and Shugart 1997; Taras 1997; Elgie 1999; Strøm et al. 2003; Cheibub 2007; Tavits 2008; Samuels and Shugart 2010; Blondel 2015; Elgie et al. 2016; Ganghof 2021 etc.). Long established research on presidentialism in the Americas and more recent scholarship on semi-presidential and parliamentary systems in Europe and elsewhere address a range of institutional factors related to both directly and indirectly elected presidents, e.g. inter-institutional conflict and policy coordination, cabinet formation and coalition building, president-party relations, electoral system factors, and presidential powers. The ECPR Standing Group on Presidential Politics facilitates networking of scholars in this field of research and strives to integrate comparative and case study approaches to advance knowledge on the role and importance of presidents in contemporary political systems.

Details of our activities, including calls for papers, can be found in the “News” section.

Aims and objectives

The aims of the Standing Group are:

  • To develop and strengthening the network of scholars sharing an interest in presidential politics.
  • To promote research in all aspects of presidential politics within the political science community.
  • To encourage collaboration among political scientists on common academic projects.


The Standing Group’s activities include:

  • Organizing panels/sections/workshops at ECPR Joint Sessions and ECPR General Conferences.
  • Keeping members in touch and distributing relevant info through the SG Newsletter.
  • Maintaining the SG official website with information on the SG research activities, programs and goals.
  • To collaborate with other Standing Groups, especially those with related items.

Contact Us

You can email any of the members of the Steering Committee listed in Steering Committee.

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