Please find below a list of publications of the members of the ECPR SG on Presidential Politics.


Feijo Rui. Presidents in Semi-Presidential Regimes. Moderating Power in Portugal and Timor-Leste. Palgrave Macmillan.

Tsai, Jung-Hsinag (Ed.). Presidents, Unified Government and Legislative Control. Plagrave Macmillan.


Raunio Tapio & Sedelius Thomas. Semi-Presidential Policy-Making in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.


Brunclík Miloš & Kubát Michal. Semi-presidentialism, Parliamentarism and Presidents. Presidential Politics in Central Europe. Routledge.

Burkhardt Fabian &  Libman Alexander. The Tail Wagging the Dog? Top-down and Bottom- up Explanations for Bureaucratic Appointments in Authoritarian Regimes. Russian Politics 3 (2): 239 – 259. DOI10.1163/2451-8921-00302005. 

Carlin E. Ryan, Hartlyn Jonathan, Hellwing Timothy, Love Gregory J., Martínez – Gallardo Cecilia & Singer Matthew M. Public support for Latin American presidents: The cyclical model in comparative perspective. SAGE Journals 5 (3). DOI10.1177/2053168018787690

Chaisty Paul & Power Timothy J. Flying solo: Explaining single‐party cabinets under minority presidentialism.  European Journal of Political Research. DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12275

Chaisty Paul, Cheeseman Nic & Power Timothy J. Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective. Minority Presidents in Multiparty Systems. Oxford University Press.

Cheeseman Nic & Klaas Brian. How to Rig an  Election. Yale University Press.

Elgie Robert. Political Leadership. A Pragmatic Institutionalist Approach. Palgrave MacMillan.

McClintock Cynthia. Electoral Rules and Democracy in Latin America. Oxford University Press.

Musella Fortunato. Political Leaders Beyond Party Politics. Palgrave MacMillan. 


Bucur Cristina. Cabinet Ministers under Competing Pressures: Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Political Parties in Semi-presidential Systems. Comparative European Politics 15(2): 180-203 DOI10.1057/cep.2015.1. 

Bucur Cristina & Cheibub José Antonio. Presidential Partisanship in Government Formation: Do Presidents Favor Their Parties When They Appoint the Prime Minister?. Political Research Quarterly.

Burkhardt Fabian. The institutionalization of relative advantage: formal institutions, subconstitutional presidential powers, and the rise of the authoritarian politics in Russia, 1994-2012. Post-Soviet Affairs 33(6): 472-495 DOI: 10.1080/1060586X.2017.1388471

Chaisty Paul & Chernykh Svitlana. How Do Minority Presidents Manage Multiparty Coalitions? Identifying and Analyzing the Payoffs to Coalition Parties in Presidential Systems. Political Research Quarterly, On-Line First.

Kö​​​​​​​ker Philipp. Presidential Activism and Veto Power in Central and Eastern EuropePalgrave MacMillan. 

Raunio Tapio & Sedelius Thomas. Shifting Power-Centres of Semi-Presidentialism: Executive Coordination in Lithuania. Government and Opposition DOI:

Savage Lee. How and when do presidents influence the duration of coalition bargaining in semi-presidential systems?. European Jornal of Political Research. DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12227.

Sedelius Thomas & Linde Jonas. Unravelling semi-presidentialism: democracy and government performance in four distinct regime types. Democratization

Sedelius Thomas & Jenny Åberg. Eastern Europe’s semi-presidential regimes. In A. Fagan & P. Kopecky (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics. London: Routledge, 2017.

Tonello Fabrizio. Obama e Trump. MicroMega.


Garzia Diego. Personalization of Politics and Electoral Change. Palgrave MacMillan.