Interpretive Policy Analysis Summer School: Conflict and sustainable futures

Interpretive Policy Analysis Summer School: Conflict and sustainable futures 

Amsterdam, 9-13 July 2018 

This intensive PhD summer school (3 ECTS) will provide PhD candidates with in-depth knowledge of interpretive methodologies and theories to understand and intervene in conflicts about sustainable futures. The summerschool focuses on methodological innovations that take an integrated approach to the social, cultural, ethical and actionable dimensions of knowledge production, both by academics, as well as by practitioners from industry, government, and non-governmental organizations. An interpretive approach recognizes that knowledge, practices and policy process are “constituted and mediated through communicative practices” (Fischer and Gottweis, 2012:2), and seeks to develop new ways of useable and critical knowledge production such as co-production and deliberative policy analysis. Conflicts can be focal points for the problem defintions, understandings, ideologies, organizational routines and practices, identities and action preferences of a range of actors in a complex policy system. By making conflict productive, the creative potential in the system can be unleashed and harnessed towards epistemically and democratically inclusive solutions. The central theme of the summer school is conflicts and collaboration for sustainable futures. Participants will explore possible ways of understanding, analyzing, explaining and intervening in these complex transitions to more sustainable societies.

In the morning lectures will be given. In the afternoon interactive sessions take place.

Lecturers: dr. Jennifer Dodge (University at Albany, NY), dr. Tamara Metze (WUR); Prof. Dr. Hendrik Wagenaar (Kings College London); Prof. dr. Navdeep Mathur (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad); dr. Severine van Bommel (WUR); prof. dr. Esther Turnhout (WUR); dr. Merlijn van Hulst (TiU), dr. Katharina Paul (University of Vienna); dr. Marleen Buizer (WUR); dr. Iulian Barba-Lata (AMS); dr. Peter Matthews (University of Stirling);  dr. Art Dewulf (WUR).

Key note: Prof.dr. Maarten Hajer (UU, Urbun Futures Studio): Research by Design

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