
COST Action

With colleagues from across and outside Europe, we have put together a network around the theme of deliberative democracy and constitution-making, following the publication of a book (http://press.ecpr.eu/book_details.asp?bookTitleID=395). This network has now been accepted as a COST Action (http://www.cost.eu). You might know that such Action funds networking activities and our objective is to bring together COST Action

Nominations to the Steering Committee of the SG on Democratic Innovations

Dear Members of the Standing Group on Democratic Innovations, we need to elect a new Steering Committee.  The incumbent SC has decided to open a nomination period as of today. You may nominate yourself (for some reason, the ECPR Constitution does not allow for nominations of other members) until June 15. The election (if needed), will be Nominations to the Steering Committee of the SG on Democratic Innovations

The Deliberative Quality of  Communication Conference 2018

The Deliberative Quality of  Communication Conference, November 8 -9, 2018 at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES; Germany) We invite you to submit an abstract until June 15, 2018, via the conference website www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/DQComm2018. Keynote speaker: Kaisa Herne (University of Tampere) Roundtable on the future of deliberation research with: André Bächtiger (University of The Deliberative Quality of  Communication Conference 2018

Research Associate at the University of Canberra, Australia

Call for Applications Due: April 30, 2018 The Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance (the Centre) was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Research Grant for the project A Metastudy of Democratic Deliberation (DP180103014) and is seeking staff to join the research team. The project is hiring a Research Associate whose main task is Research Associate at the University of Canberra, Australia

Best Paper Award from our section at the ECPR General Conference 2017

Best Paper Award Section 63: The Diversity of Democratic Innovations, ECPR General Conference, Oslo 2017 The Standing Group on Democratic Innovations of the ECPR has decided to award Hans Asenbaum from the University of Westminster, UK, for his paper ”Online Anonymity in Deliberative Democracy: Disinhibition and Contestation or Deindividuation and Conformity?” Exploring the role of Best Paper Award from our section at the ECPR General Conference 2017