Established 1994        Number of members: 200

The ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism is the largest European scholarly network on the study of territorial politics. It brings together some 400 established and young scholars from across Europe and beyond. The Standing Group has a link with Regional and Federal Studies, the leading European specialist journal in the field. There is also a strong cooperation with the IPSA Research Committee on Federalism and Federations (e.g., joint panels of both groups at IPSA and ECPR events). Communication within the Group is facilitated by email via a Newsletter.

Aims and objectives

The basic aim is to bring together colleagues who are researching the fields of federalism, regionalism, decentralisation, multi-level governance and other territorial issues. The Standing Group helps to stimulate communication and research collaboration among members. The Standing Group has organised thematic workshops at regular ECPR conferences, co-sponsored workshops and conferences, and organised PhD Summer Schools in the past few years. It aims to continue these activities but also to intensify academic cooperation, for example via the relaunched ECPR Research Sessions.

How to join the Standing Group

If you would like to join the Federalism and Regionalism Standing Group, you will need to create a myECPR account at This only takes a few minutes, and you need not be from an ECPR member institution to do so. Then, click on the following link, and select ‘Join Standing Group’.

If you are from an ECPR member institution your membership to the SG is automatic. If you are from a non-member institution we will need to accept your application to join, so your membership status will be ‘pending’ until we accept you.