Our Section for the 2016 General Conference “Contested Concepts and their Trajectories” was accepted and will be chaired by Anthoula Malkopoulou (Uppsala) and Annelien De Dijn (Amsterdam). We are now accepting proposals for Full Panels and individual Papers.
To panel chairs: Chairs of the pre-accepted panels are invited to submit their full Panel proposal including 4-5 papers by logging into their MyECPRAccount and selecting our Section (Attention: only full panels with paper titles can be submitted electronically). You should then invite paper-givers to submit paper abstracts individually by logging into their own MyECPRAccounts and selecting your panel. Because you need paper titles in order to submit your full Panel, it is advisable to send out early enough invitations to prospective paper-givers privately as well as through your communication channels. You should collect paper abstracts by e-mail, before finalizing your Panel proposal. In addition, paper abstracts submitted directly to the Section will be distributed to the Panels by the Section chairs in coordination with Panel chairs. Each Panel should also include if possible a Discussant. Information on the duties of a Panel Chair and Discussant can be found here.
To paper-givers: Individual paper-givers have two options. 1) Please contact Panel chairs and send them your abstract by e-mail. After being selected, you should submit your abstract through your own MyECPRAccount, selecting the Panel for which you were selected. 2) Alternatively, you could submit your abstract directly to the Section for consideration by the Section chairs in coordination with the Panel chairs. To do this, you must log in through your MyECPRAccount and submit your abstract, selecting the Section for which you’d like to be considered.
Further information explaining the stages in detail can be found in the Guidelines.
The deadline for Panel and Paper submissions is 15 February 2016. If you have any further questions, please email generalconference@ecpr.eu.