Hosting our 2018 Biennial Conference

The Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance is now welcoming applications to be the next hosting partner for the Biennial Conference 2018.

The procedure is as follows. Initial applications are invited with a closing date of 31 January 2017. The initial application should consist of a message outlining the organizing institution, proposed venue, main responsible organizers, a short statement motivation and an estimation of the conference fee if possible, can be sent to the group’s co-chairs (contact details below). Applicants are asked also to indicate how they propose to make papers available to participants and for an indication of any innovations they plan for the event. Initial applications should be sent to the Standing Group Convenor at

Depending on the number of interested parties and based on an initial assessment taking into account geographical diversity, expected costs, accessibility and familiarity with the group’s biennial conferences, one or more applicants will be asked to submit a full application. We aim to choose the final hosting partner for the 2016 Biennial Conference by early March 2017.

We would like to ask potential hosts to carefully consider the following before putting in an application.

  • the scope and activities of the previous conference in Tilburg (see information on participants and panels above)
  • show that the host has capacity and experience in running such conferences.

Please apply only if you are sure that your organisation/department can run such a large event at reasonable costs.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or if you would like to submit an initial application.

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