Di Garage – registration

Dear colleagues,

As promised, I am now sending you the link where you can register for the first three iterations of Di Garage:


On this page, you will also find info on how to register, as you scroll down the page, under ‘How to join’. Registration works through myEcpr and is straightforward. In case you are encountering difficulties with your registration, kindly contact standinggroups@ecpr.eu rather than me.

The first iteration is Thursday 13th of May (next week), when Cristina Fasone and Diane Fromage will present their work on the European Commission and differentiation. If you would like to read the paper in advance, for this first iteration, we’d need you to register by this Friday, 12pm. You will then be sent the paper. Di Garage will be using zoom.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Di Garage next week!

Best wishes,


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