
Di Garage – first dates

Dear colleagues, I hope you are well. The Steering Committee is extremely pleased to now announce the first three instances of Di Garage, an online space for deliberating and reflecting on all things DI in a constructive way. Here are the first three dates, all on a Thursday at 3pm: 13 May, 3pm Diane Fromage Di Garage – first dates

Job opening and Di Garage

Dear colleagues, This is a reminder of a couple of things. Job opening A postdoc position of 75%, over 11 months, beginning in October 2021 is opening at the University of Exeter. The postdoc will be working closely with Sandra Kröger on a component of H2020 funded project DiCE, and the application deadline is 18 Job opening and Di Garage

Di Garage

Dear colleagues, I hope you are keeping well. As a RN, we would like to kick off a seminar series, tentatively called ‘Di Garage’ (that is the result of spontaneous brainstorming, amongst the Steering Committee, on zoom J). We would like to think of Di Garage as a monthly event of one hour where draft Di Garage

Upcoming Events

Dear colleagues, We hope you had a good start into the new year and wish you all the best for it. There will be a number of DI-related events coming up this year that you might want to put in your agenda. 11-12 March 2021: DiCE network conference (online). More information to follow before too Upcoming Events

Contribute to a section on DI

A first opportunity to cooperate will be next year’s ecpr general conference (end of August 2021). Many of you will know that these conferences are organised in sections, by and large, and it would be great if as a RN, we could put such a section together. The deadline for submitting section proposals is 23 Contribute to a section on DI


Welcome to the Research Network on DI!