This website is no longer updated. Please use the new website for the Standing Group.

Established 1992        Number of members: 399

The Southern European Politics Standing Group was established in 1992. Its initial focus was on Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, later expanded to include Cyprus, Malta and Turkey.

Aims and objectives

The Group aims to attract colleagues at all stages of their professional career, including established scholars, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers.


The Standing Group’s activities include:

  • Maintaining a register of researchers working on Southern Europe;
  • Acting as a forum for networking among members;
  • Acting as a channel for publicity for research activities relevant to South European studies;
  • Contributing to the activities of the ECPR through encouraging and overseeing Workshops at the Joint Sessions and Sections and Panels at the ECPR General Conference.

How to join the Standing Group

If you would like to join the Southern European Politics Standing Group, you will need to create a myECPR account at This only takes a few minutes, and you need not be from an ECPR member institution to do so. Then, click on the following link, and select ‘Join Standing Group’. 

If you are from an ECPR member institution your membership to the SG is automatic. If you are from a non-member institution we will need to accept your application to join, so your membership status will be ‘pending’ until we accept you.