

My online teaching during the pandemic of Covid-19 Joselle Dagnes University of Turin, Italy. This week I finished my first entirely taught online course: 54 hours of lessons (plus 18 laboratory hours) with 367 students whose faces I have never seen. If someone had told me before, I probably wouldn’t have believed it. I would COVID-19 BLOG


 A Criminologist’s musings on the pandemic and wildlife trade and trafficking Tanya Wyatt Northumbria University I have been researching illegal wildlife trade for 15 years. The coronavirus pandemic, therefore, is a shock, but not a surprise. All that time, I have been citing work of epidemiologists warning that wildlife trade—legal and illegal—posed animal, human, and COVID-19 BLOG


Never waste a good crisis The Liaison Officer in Rome for the Dutch National Police, Italy.The Project leader of the Anti-Maffia Team of the Dutch National Police, Netherlands. At the end of February, the first case of Covid-19 was found in The Netherlands, its first death followed a week later. After some weeks of “soft” COVID-19 BLOG


Misuse or missed use of data? Considerations for a Public Health Approach Lewis Prescott-MaylingThames Valley Violence Reduction UnitThames Valley Police I remember my early days as a police officer. Before each shift an officer would come in early to start the printer into action spitting out reams of paper. Once the team were settled at COVID-19 BLOG


How Mafia-type groups respond to Italy’s Covid-19 economic emergency Martina Bedetti University of Bath The Coronavirus outbreak is having a severe impact on the global economy: big drops in stock markets, a rise in unemployment and the risk of a global recession. (1) In particular, Italy, which has been one the worst affected countries in COVID-19 BLOG


Is the Covid-19 threat a chance for the UK Police service to resurrect its relationship with the General Public Aubrey A JonesDetective Chief Inspector (Retired) As I was retiring from the police service in 1995 after over 30 years’ service, of which 20 years was spent investigating organised crime and money laundering throughout Europe, The COVID-19 BLOG


Between Covid-19 and Organised Crime: Some preliminary notes Ludmila Quirós Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GITOC), SHOC-RUSI Since the covid-19 pandemic went global, human beings have been experiencing what geographer Alison Mountz (2020) point out as a proliferation of spaces of confinements through which we are interconnected yet socially-distanced. In a sudden way, we COVID-19 BLOG


Living and adapting to the coronavirus Stephen Musau Independent Policing Oversight Authority in Kenya One of the famous quotes by the father of scientific method, Galileo Galilei, is knowing thyself is the greatest wisdom. There is no other time this quote was more relevant than the current times the world is in. What, with the COVID-19 BLOG


An academic of the floating world(with apologies to Ishiguro) Niall Hamilton-Smith University of Stirling The countdown to lockdown was I’m sure for all colleagues, fast, unexpected (if expected), and dramatic. At Stirling our normally serene campus was notably flustered as we shambolically improvised an exit, packing key belongings into boots, scrambling for tech, and besieging COVID-19 BLOG


From the corona crisis towards a new Enlightenment Guido Palazzo Universitè de Lausanne Why do societies collapse? Jared Diamond finds a rather simple but frightening explanation. When we are in a crisis and we do not know what to do, we tend to reinforce established routines. Sometimes, those routines make things worse. They might even COVID-19 BLOG