We have prepared a tailor-made Section Program: ECPR GC 2023 DI Section Program_final to help you navigate our exciting panels and events. When on site in Prague, please also refer to the ECPR online program to plan your days. Please note that the attached program is the most current and updated program for our section – the updates should also be reflected in the ECPR online program shortly! When on site in Prague, please refer to the ECPR online program for any final changes.
We are also hosting our traditional get-together among junior, mid-career, and established scholars. So… if you are coming to the General Conference, join us at Kavárna a bar, Divadlo Archa (Sep. 6th, 7 pm). We’ll have nice music, complimentary drinks, and snacks. You can register at this [link]. Remember to bring your ECPR badge to come in 🙂 This event is hosted thanks to the support of the Journal of Deliberative Democracy and the Social Science Research Institute at Åbo Akademi University.
See you in Prague!
Franzi, Mel, Julien (our section chairs) & the Steering Committee