CfP “Online platforms” ECPR 2019

This is a call for papers for a panel at the ECPR conference 2019. Please check out the link below:

Help us recruit for an online deliberation experiment

Dear colleagues Can you help us recruit participants for an experiment in online deliberation? Can you send out an email to students and colleagues or a social media post to followers? Michael Morrell, Paolo Spada and I are leading a global experiment to test new platforms for commenting on news online. We aim to help Help us recruit for an online deliberation experiment

Best Paper Award at the General Conference in Hamburg

The Standing Group on Democratic Innovations has decided to give the Best Paper Award at the General Conference in Hamburg 2018 to Céline Colombo from the University of Zurich for her paper “Principles or Pragmatism? Morality Politics in Direct Democracy.” In the paper, Céline builds on her previous research published in the British Journal of Political Science in which Best Paper Award at the General Conference in Hamburg

New Steering Committee

This is the results of the election of the new Steering Committee of the SG on Democratic Innovations. The elected members are (in alphabetical order): André Bächtiger, University of Stuttgart, Germany Nicole Curato, University of Canberra, Australia Kimmo Grönlund, Åbo Akademi University, Finland Sofie Marien, KU Leuven, Belgium Jane Suiter, Dublin City University, Ireland Thank New Steering Committee

Section chairs for the ECPR General Conference 2019

The next ECPR General Conference is 4-7 September 2019 in Wroclaw, Poland. We need a Democratic Innovations section and two chairs. If you are interested in chairing, be in touch with the convenors Kimmo Grönlund (kimmo.gronlund[at] and André Bächtiger (andre.baechtiger[at] as soon as possible. Our section proposal needs to be submitted to the ECPR by 19 Section chairs for the ECPR General Conference 2019