As of January 2017, Sarah de Lange has stepped down from the convenorship of the Standing Group. Her recent appointment to full professor at the University of Amsterdam, and the increasing commitments associated to the post, made it difficult for her to devote the Standing Group the same attention and care of the three previous years served as joint convenor. In May 2007, Matthijs Rooduijn has also decided to stand down amid growing professional and private commitments, de facto making the latest newsletter (vol. 18 no. 1) his last contribution as convenor of the Standing Group and co-editor of the e-Extreme. While saddened by their decision, we have plenty of reasons to rejoice for their career and personal developments. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their proactive role in steering of our community – as scholars, teammates, and friends. Never short of guiding words and helpful suggestions, they have contributed to turn the Standing Group into the modern and dynamic network you have come to know. We trust that they will continue to be a crucial part of our group and spare no effort to engage in our activities. Good luck, guys!