Welcome to the new Standing Group website! As the Standing Group enters its sixteenth year of activity, we are very happy to launch a revamped version of our homepage. Besides changes in the graphic layout, we have tried to maintain previously available functions, whilst making contents easier to navigate. Amongst other things, we have made our newsletter, e-Extreme, easier to access and browse; you can now consult all issues online here.

Over the past year, one of our goals has been ‘going social’. We have then opened a Facebook group, which proved a successful and stimulating forum for discussion for Standing Group members and non-members alike. The group has now turned into a relevant source of news and we intend to sustain the function it has acquired. The website, on the other hand, will continue to serve as a platform for pertinent calls, events, and resources.

We are equally happy to announce that the Standing Group is endorsing a Section at the next ECPR General Conference, to be held in Montreal, 26-29 August 2015. The Section is entitled ‘Populist and Radical Politics: Between Polarisation and Blurring’ and chaired by Andrea L. P. Pirro, Stijn van Kessel, and Matthijs Rooduijn. We are now accepting panel and paper proposals for consideration; please, feel free to contact the Section Chairs by Saturday, 31 January 2015 at the latest. All contacts and details are available here.

Finally, we would like to stress that the continued success of the Standing Group very much depends on the contribution of its members. Please, do not hesitate to keep us informed, suggest ideas, or report relevant calls or events. Your input is always valued and appreciated!

With all best wishes for the year ahead,

Andrea, Matthijs, Sarah, and Stijn