CALL FOR PAPERS – Political Leaders in Central and Eastern Europe: Roles, Actions and Consequences

CALL FOR PAPERS – Political Leaders in Central and Eastern Europe: Roles, Actions and Consequences  A conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Central and Eastern European Politics 19-21 April 2018  Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania) The political leadership lies at the origin of most transformations in democracies today, e.g. policies, institutional gridlocks, radicalization. An extensive body CALL FOR PAPERS – Political Leaders in Central and Eastern Europe: Roles, Actions and Consequences

Call for Papers: A New Route for Participation: Democratic Innovations in Eastern Europe

Call for Papers International Workshop A New Route for Participation: Democratic Innovations in Eastern Europe 11-12 May 2017, Södertörn University, Stockholm (Sweden)   In recent decades the process of political representation faces several challenges and problems, while citizens have become increasingly discontent and gradually abandoned the traditional modes of involvement: electoral turnout is in decline, Call for Papers: A New Route for Participation: Democratic Innovations in Eastern Europe

Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers for the 2016 ECPR General Conference

The 10th ECPR General Conference will be held from 7 -10 September 2016, at Charles University, Prague; the oldest institution of higher learning in Central Europe. The Standing Group on Central and East European Politics is organising the Section New Perspectives on the Cold War and its Legacies, and you can now submit your proposals Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers for the 2016 ECPR General Conference

Vacancy: Associate Editor for ECPR Press

The ECPR Press are looking for an Associate Editor with a passion for publishing to develop the expanding portfolio. Working alongside an existing Associate Editor and two Co-Editors, this is an excellent opportunity to network among the political science community, to build a reputation in your academic field, and to be part of a flourishing imprint Vacancy: Associate Editor for ECPR Press

Call for Papers: The Power of the People: the Dynamics and Limits of Social Mobilization in South Eastern Europe

The University of Oxford is seeking Paper proposals for an interdisciplinary symposium being held on 27 February 2015 at St Antony’s and St John’s College at Oxford. The aim of the symposium is to bring together distinguished scholars from various disciplines to discuss the merits, limits and legacies of social protests, demonstrations, sit-ins and other Call for Papers: The Power of the People: the Dynamics and Limits of Social Mobilization in South Eastern Europe

Call for Joint Sessions Paper Proposals

Paper proposals for the 2015 Joint Sessions of Workshops can now be submitted, by clicking here. The deadline for Paper proposals is 1 December 2014. To view the Academic Programme, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Taylor (

Montreal Section proposals: submit by midnight TONIGHT!

The 2015 General Conference will be taking place in Montreal – the ECPR’s first ever event to be held outside of Europe. Click here to submit your Section proposal for the ECPR General Conference now. Deadline: midnight 17 November (tonight!)