Dear E&D members,

We would like to share the results of the recent SG Steering Committee election, which returned the following three winners: Léonie de Jonge (University of Groningen), Daphne Halikiopoulou (University of Reading), and Annika Werner (Australian National University). Best of luck to our successors!

We would like to thank everyone who cast a vote during the last month. You will be hearing from the new Steering Committee in January 2022.

As for us, we bow out knowing that our field is thriving and that our SG is in very good health. We hope we have contributed to make membership to a professional network a friendlier, more humane affair. We will certainly see you at next ECPR events!

Wishing you all happy holidays,

Caterina Froio, Andrea Pirro, and Stijn van Kessel