

RC08 will coordinate a number of panels at the next IPSA World Congress and welcome proposals. For information on rules, proposals and deadlines see the IPSA website: http://www.ipsa.org/world-congress-brisbane-2018 The call for proposals will open on 10 May 2017. Please make sure your proposal is related to RC08. Don’t hesitate to contact RC08 Program Chair hilmar.rommetvedt@iris.no RCLS / RC08 – LEGISLATIVE SPECIALISTS AT THE 25TH IPSA WORLD CONGRESS, JULY 21 – 26, 2018, IN BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA

SGoP 4th General Conference Basel: Call for Panels and Papers

The Standing Group on Parliaments of the European Consortia for Political Research (ECPR) will host its 4th conference in Basel June 29th – July 1st 2017. This is an inspiring, very focused and extremely useful conference for all those interested in studying legislatures. There is no regional or methodological restriction.  4th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group SGoP 4th General Conference Basel: Call for Panels and Papers

Parliamentary accountability: Assessing the link between citizens and elites in national and supranational politics in Europe

Aims and scope: Parliaments play central roles in European political systems at both the national and supranational level. At the national level, they bring together the democratically elected representatives of the people, who to a greater or lesser degree seek to represent the interests of their constituents. At the supranational level, with the Lisbon treaty, Parliamentary accountability: Assessing the link between citizens and elites in national and supranational politics in Europe

Two new postgraduate programmes in political science at Carlos III, Madrid

Please take note of two new postgraduate programmes starting up next year at the University Carlos III, Madrid. For further information on both programmes see these links: http://ic3jm.es/masters/social-sciences/syllabus.aspx http://www.ic3jm.es/masters/analisis-politico-y-electoral/index.aspx Please feel free to pass this information along to your students.  

Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers for the 2016 ECPR General Conference

The 10th ECPR General Conference will be held from 7 -10 September 2016, at Charles University, Prague; the oldest institution of higher learning in Central Europe. The Standing Group on Parliaments is organising the Section Parliaments and Political Representation, and you can now submit your proposals for full Panels (which should include 3-5 Papers), and Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers for the 2016 ECPR General Conference

ECPR Joint Sessions 2016, Pisa. Workshop “Analyzing Organization in Parliaments: Causes and Consequences”

Tim Mickler (Leiden University) and Shane Martin (University of Leicester) are directing a Workshop on “Analyzing Organization in Parliaments: Causes and Consequences” as part of the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Pisa, April 25-29th, 2016. Workshops are closed gatherings of around 20 participants, which last for about five days. We aim to bring together a group of ECPR Joint Sessions 2016, Pisa. Workshop “Analyzing Organization in Parliaments: Causes and Consequences”

Call for Papers

Workshop organised by PADEMIA / Centre d’études européennes / LIEEP on Strengthening Parliaments through Institutional Engineering Paris, 3 – 4 December 2015 Location: Sciences Po, Paris Conveners: Selma Bendjaballah, Olivier Rozenberg, Guillaume Tusseau (Sciences Po) Proposals to be sent before October 15th 2015 to olivier.rozenberg@sciencespo.fr Part of the costs are covered for PADEMIA institutions members For details Call for Papers

Legislative studies at the IPSA World Congress 2016: Call for papers and closed panels

The Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RC08 / RCLS) will organize a number of panels at the IPSA World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, July 23 – 28, 2016. The deadline for open panel proposals has passed, but here are the key dates for paper and closed panel proposals: August 7, 2015: Accepted open panels are Legislative studies at the IPSA World Congress 2016: Call for papers and closed panels

The Standing Group on Parliaments Steering Committee

Dear members, The new SGoP Steering Committee includes the following members: Amie Kreppel (University of Florida) Christian Stecker (Mannheim Center for European Social Research) Tamaki Ohmura (ETH Zurich) Thomas Saalfeld (University of Bamberg) Tom Louwerse (Trinity College Dublin) Withing the next weeks the committee will determine areas of responsibility for its members in line with The Standing Group on Parliaments Steering Committee