*1 – 4PM?

Are you interested in writing a book, either a monograph or an edited collection? Are you considering turning your PhD into a monograph? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, and if you are embarking upon this process for the first time, you may have questions and concerns about how to navigate the process. Securing a book contract with a publisher is often the first hurdle in this process and is dependent upon the submission of a book proposal. This workshop seeks to demystify the book proposal-writing process, offering practical guidance about how to manage the process.

Specifically, this workshop will shed light on the following areas:

• How to develop an initial manuscript idea into a book proposal.

• How to identify the right publisher and/or book series that best suits your book project?

• An introduction to the various stages of the book proposal.

• How to approach writing a sample chapter.

• Researching the market into which your book makes a contribution.

• Identifying reviewers for the proposal.

• What to expect and do following the proposal writing stage in cases of the issuing of a contract or otherwise.


Sadiya and John will begin with an overview of the book proposal writing process based on our experiences of editing a book series. Following this, we will invite participants where relevant to discuss their own projects and we will advise accordingly.


Proposal writers at all stages of their careers and the proposal writing process are welcome to attend this workshop, meaning those who have a vague idea of a book, to those who have a proposal in development. To express interest or ask questions about the event, please email Sadiya ( and John ( The deadline for registering interest is May 25.

Sadiya Akram (Manchester Metropolitan University) and John Boswell (University of Southampton) are the co-editors of the Routledge Studies in Democratic Crisis book series.

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