COST Action

With colleagues from across and outside Europe, we have put together a network around the theme of deliberative democracy and constitution-making, following the publication of a book (

This network has now been accepted as a COST Action ( You might know that such Action funds networking activities and our objective is to bring together all actors interested in the vast topic of Deliberative Constitution-Making, and not only academics, but also practitioners, public servants, civil society, politicians.

Should you be willing to join, the next step is to ask your COST national officer to nominate you in the MC (Management committee): &

As of today, please find here below the list of countries represented in the Management Committee (as you know the more countries are represented within the MC, the more budget the Action gets as having a member in the MC opens up a budget line for anyone from this country), so do not hesitate to get colleagues from the 37 COST countries ( not listed below to join the Action:

Each country has the opportunity to have 2 representatives and 2 substitutes. In attachement, you will find all the representatives and substitutes so far. As you will see there is plenty of room left…

Of course, next to the MC, there will be many other opportunities to participate in the Action. As the procedure varies from country to country (and there is quite some freedom for each COST national officer to proceed the way she/he wants), I cannot tell you how exactly things will work out for for each of you, but you should at least get in touch with your COST national officer to tell him/her your interest in joining the MC of the Action CA17135 BE.

Of course, please do not hesitate to drop a line if you have any question or want to continue this discussion.

Contact: Professor Min Reuchamps, min.reuchamps[at]

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