During the next weeks and months, weekly webinars are organized online by the Centre for the Study of Politics (Cevipol, Université libre de Bruxelles), on various topics related to party politics, participation and representation. These webinars usually take place on Thursday, 12h-13h15 (Brussels time). They constitute a great opportunity to hear about and discuss on-going research by excellent scholars, and to keep contact with the research community.
Here below, you can find the program. It will soon also appear on the Cevipol website: https://cevipol.centresphisoc.ulb.be/…/actu…/agenda/mois
21/01/2021: “Democratic innovations and electoral legitimacy ” by Pierre-Etienne Vandamme (Université libre de Bruxelles). Click here to join
11/02/2021: “Convergence toward what? Investigating the changing nature of the European electorates in comparative perspective” by Davide Vittori (Université libre de Bruxelles). Click here to join
25/02/2021: “Believe in everything? Conspiracism and acceptance of political misinformation in Italy” by Moreno Mancosu (University of Turin). Click here to join
04/03/2021: “Understanding and Reducing Biases in Elite Beliefs About the Electorate” by Miguel M. Pereira (University of Southern California). Click here to join
11/03/2021: “Political parties in the digital age and the transformation of leadership and participation”, by Paolo Gerbaudo (King’s College London). Click here to join
18/03/2021: “Grievances, opportunities, or resources? Explaining far-right protest mobilisation in Europe”, by Caterina Froio (SciencesPo). Click here to join
25/03/2021: “Political dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of France’s 1940 Enabling Act”, by Jean Lacroix (Université Paris-Saclay) and Pierre-Guillaume Méon (Université libre de Bruxelles). Click here to join