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Graduate Student Conference: CALL FOR SECTIONS

6th ECPR Graduate Student Conference, University of Tartu, 10-13 July 2016


The ECPR Graduate Student Conference is specifically tailored to the needs of graduate students looking to gain valuable political science conference experience, network, and further their personal and academic development in political and social sciences. Ideally suited to ‘first-time’ delegates, the conference combines a comprehensive academic and social programme over three days. The Graduate Student Conference is only open to graduate students who are studying for a Master’s degree, a PhD, or who hold junior postdoctoral (researcher) positions.

Gain first-hand experience of a political science conference by proposing a Section at the Graduate Student Conference now. Only graduate students from full-ECPR member institutions are invited to Chair a Section. Co-Chairs may come from Full, Associate or non-member institutions. You can check your institution’s membership status here. Only the proposed Section Chair can submit a Section proposal. The proposed Section Chair and Co-Chair must both have a MyECPR account. All proposals to organise Sections should be submitted online in English by 30 September 2015.

The proposal requires the following information:

  • The title of the Section you are proposing to organise. The full list of Sections can be found here.
  • The proposal, containing an abstract, 3-8 well-developed Panel ideas and a biography of each Section Chair (altogether no more than 1000 words long).
  • The Section Co-Chair’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account.
  • The number of Panels you wish to request (3-8).