ECPR Winter School in Methods & Techniques
13-20 February 2015, University of Bamberg
Click here for further information
An Introduction to the GSN
Thursday 4 September, University of Glasgow
1245-1400, Boyd Orr B LT
Come and meet us!
The GSN Committee will be having a stand in the book exhibition area at the Glasgow General Conference. Please come and say hi!
GSN Panel at Glasgow
Thursday 4 September, 0900-1040 (Room Boyd Orr, A LT)
European Parliament Elections and the Future of Europe
Panel Chair: Ilke Toygur (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid)
Discussant: Hermann Schmitt (Universität Mannheim)
GSN Reception – Innsbruck
Friday 4 July 2014 during the Graduate Student Conference
1230-1400 – Mensa Restaurant.
ECPR Summer School in Methods & Techniques
24 July – 9 August 2014, University of Ljubljana
ECPR Winter School in Methods & Techniques
14-21 February 2014, University of Vienna
Log in to MyECPR to register.
ECPR Graduate Student Conference
3-5 July 2014, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Panels including Papers and individual Papers can now be submitted via MyECPR.
Bordeaux reception – 05/09/2013
The GSN will be hosting a reception at the Bordeaux General Conference. If you would like to find out more about the GSN, please come to the reception on Thursday 5 September from 1240-1400 in room Mabileau. We look forward to meeting you!
Programme: Introduction of the GSN by the new committee followed by an address by ECPR Executive Committee member André Kaiser, responsible for the ECPR Methods Schools, and ECPR Methods Schools Academic Convenor Bernhard Kittel: ‘The ECPR Methods School: a harmonising tool for the European political science educations?’.
Networking over drinks and light snacks.