8th SGoP Conference in Vienna 2023


The Standing Group on Parliaments of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) will host its 8th conference in Vienna from Thursday July 6th to Saturday July 8th, 2023. This is an inspiring, focused and extremely useful conference for all those interested in studying legislatures. There is no regional or methodological restriction.

8th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments

06 July – 08 July 2023 University of Vienna

The conference will bring together senior and junior scholars of the field. Away from the hectic bustle of large-scale conferences, it will offer unique opportunities for detailed discussions and networking. The academic program will be complemented by a social program including a visit to the Austrian parliament on the first day, as well as a conference dinner on the second evening of the conference, allowing participants ample opportunity to catch up with old friends and to meet new standing group members.

The ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments (SGoP) invites you to submit your proposals for the conference in 2023. The eight SGoP conference is hosted by the Department of Government at the University of Vienna. The local organizing committee consists of Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Thomas Meyer, Christopher Wratil, Florence Ecormier-Nocca, Oliver Huwyler, Ida Hjermitslev, and Svenja Krauss.

We invite papers that deal with the empirical study of parliaments and legislatures. As it proved successful in Dublin, Vienna, Munich, Basel, Leiden, and Paris, the exact thematic and regional range of papers is deliberately broad.

We are inviting proposals either for individual papers or for entire panels consisting of preferably four (or five) papers

Paper proposals as well as panel proposals should be submitted via the ECPR homepage.  

Deadline for submissions: February 14th 2023

Proposals will be evaluated by March 12th 2023

Further information will follow soon at: http://standinggroups.ecpr.eu/parliaments/

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at david.willumsen@uibk.ac.at

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