The Political Theory Standing Group solicits panel and paper proposals for the 2015 ECPR General Conference, to be held in Montreal, Canada (Aug 26-29).
There will be a general political theory section within the conference, containing 8 panels of 4-5 papers each. We welcome proposals from all subfields of political theory, including work on normative, conceptual, applied, methodological and historical topics, construed broadly.
You may submit either an individual paper or a complete panel proposal (containing 4-5 abstracts). The deadline for both types of submission is February 16, 2015. Further details about how to submit proposals is available here:
So far, Standing Group members have proposed to convene panels on the following topics. If you are interested in proposing a paper to any of these, then you should contact the panel chair in the first instance:
- Laclau, the Political, Populism and Radical Democracy (Allan Dreyer Hansen, Roskilde University,
- Justice and Immigration Policy: New Developments (Caleb Yong, McGill University and Georgiana Turculet, Central European University,
- Political Theory and Public Health (Jurgen De Wispelaere,
- Compromise: Democratic Ideals and Political Realities (Anders Berg-Sørensen, University of Copenhagen,
- Political Theory and Religious Diversity (Andrew Shorten, University of Limerick,
Additional paper and panel proposals on any topic in political theory are also welcome. If you have any questions, then please contact
All paper and panel proposals should be submitted through the ECPR website, and further details are available here: