The deadline for submitting a proposal for the Joint Session of Workshops in Nicosia, April 2018 is February 1st. The SG can endorse workshop proposals and for practical reasons we have decided not to endorse more than one. We should specify that having the workshop proposal endorsed by us does not guarantee acceptance and of course it is not necessary to have it endorsed by a SG in order to apply. However, if you would like us to consider your proposal for endorsement, please send it to us by midnight January 28th. Please check the requirements for proposals here:
You will have to login to access the application form. Only ECPR members can submit a proposal and it goes without saying that we would only endorse a proposal from someone who is both a member of the ECPR and of the SG in Political Theory.
We should also remind you that the deadline for submitting a paper or panel proposal for the ECPR General Conference in Oslo, September 2017 is February 15th. Please follow the instructions here, if you wish to do so:
All the best,
Adina, Emanuela, Maria, Nik