Call for Papers ICPP4 Montreal 2019

We’d like to draw your attention to the Call for Papers for the 4th International Conference in Public Policy in Montral (26-28 June). The deadline is 30th January 2019. More details, can be found here:

We’d especially like to draw attention to the following panels convened by members of the Standing Group:

T11P03 – Advancing Relational Policy Analysis

Chairs: Amanda Wolf ( & Koen Bartels (

The aim of this panel is to advance the theory–practice interface in relational policy analysis. The intention is to focus on the practice of methodologies that are helpful in honing citizens’ and practitioners’ everyday capacities for anticipating futures and creating desirable pathways to realise them. Taking relationality centrally means embracing the dualities of subjectivity and objectivity, interdependence and autonomy and (re)conceiving policy analysis as a situated, embodied, and unfolding practice. Such a ‘turn’ is truly radical—both in the sense of breaking with accepted ways of thinking and in pointing to the fundamental nature of human experience and sensemaking. Papers are invited that consider how relational concepts are translated into, or demonstrated in, policy-oriented practices.

T08P01 – Narrative Policy Discourse

Chairs: Hugh Miller ( & Jennifer Dodge (

Why is narrative analysis important in the study of public policy? One good answer is that policy goals are contestable and the facts of the matter are contestable. Narrative analysis can reveal schisms, competing world views, and pluralistic competition in policy discourse. This panel seeks to highlight the dynamics of narrative struggle for meaning capture in policy discourse. Alternatively, in what conditions do narratives not compete for dominance?  — possibly in situations where facts are stable and goals are widely shared, or in authoritarian regimes unaccustomed to pluralistic democracy. Policy scholars and researchers interested in narrative policy inquiry are requested to submit paper proposals for inclusion in the Narrative Policy Discourse panel, which appears under the topic heading T08 Policy Discourse and Critical Policy Research. Approaches that borrow from linguistics, semiotics, literary theory, critical theory, social constructionism, neopositivism, poststructuralism, historical analysis, postmodern thought, and qualitative inquiry are invited. Case illustrations or case studies that make a theoretical contribution are also welcome.

T08P05 – Foundational Works in Public Policy Studies: Harold D. Lasswell

Chairs: Eve Seguin (, Nick Turnbull ( and Guy Lachapelle (

We are seeking presenters for a panel on Harold D. Lasswell. Papers are welcome that situate Lasswell’s work in the historical context of pragmatism and behavioralism in the United States; re-examine or critically re-evaluate his key works and studies; assess which aspects of his work remain relevant for the study of contemporary political phenomena; further develop his ideas for the theory and practice of public policy, for instance the use of the hard sciences in policy analysis, the “problem orientation”, and the divide between academia and policy practice; or apply his categories and insights in studies in many subfields of political science such as public policy studies, policy sciences, political power, political communication and propaganda, political psychology, and political theory.

Please contact the respective panel conveners for more information or see the list of panels and their full descriptions here: 


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