
Election time!

Dear colleagues, There are 4 candidates for 3 positions on the Steering Committee of the Standing Group. You are therefore invited to vote on the ECPR website under the My ECPR menu. You can vote until Friday 10th August. This means that the new Steering Committee will be introduced at the next General Conference in Election time!

Election of a new Steering Committee

Dear Colleagues, The time has come for an election of the three members of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism. Please email Arjan Schakel (a.schakel@maastrichtuniversity.nl) or Elodie Fabre (e.fabre@qub.ac.uk) to nominate yourself. Members from non-affiliated member institutions can only be secretary; members from affiliated institutions can be candidate for any Election of a new Steering Committee

Section for the 2016 General Conference, Prague, 7-10/09/2016

The Standing Group was granted a full section with eight panels. The Section chair is Arjan Schakel a.schakel@maastrichtuniversity.nl and the co-chair is Elodie Fabre e.fabre@qub.ac.uk  Here is the list of panels. 4 are fully open and will accept up to 5 papers; 2 are half-open and have a more limited number of available places; and 2 are Section for the 2016 General Conference, Prague, 7-10/09/2016