Election of a new Steering Committee

Dear Colleagues,

The time has come for an election of the three members of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism.

Please email Arjan Schakel (a.schakel@maastrichtuniversity.nl) or Elodie Fabre (e.fabre@qub.ac.uk) to nominate yourself. Members from non-affiliated member institutions can only be secretary; members from affiliated institutions can be candidate for any position (convenor, secretary, or treasurer).

Arjan Schakel and Elodie Fabre will be candidates again, but Simon Toubeau is stepping down from the steering committee.

Now starts a period of 1 month during which SG members are invited to nominate themselves. This period will end on Monday 11 June, 5pm UK time.

If there are only 3 candidates, they will be automatically elected.

If there are more than 3 candidates but only 2 candidates from affiliated institutions, these two candidates will be automatically elected, and an election will be held for the third seat.

If there are more than 3 candidates for all or parts of the seats, ECPR central services will run an election and inform you directly of the process. The electoral system is STV, and the election will be run in such a way to ensure that at least 2 candidates affiliated to ECPR member institutions are elected.

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