Election time!

Dear colleagues,

There are 4 candidates for 3 positions on the Steering Committee of the Standing Group. You are therefore invited to vote on the ECPR website under the My ECPR menu. You can vote until Friday 10th August.
This means that the new Steering Committee will be introduced at the next General Conference in Hamburg. We will be having a SG business meeting on the Friday during the midday break (13:00-13:45, VMP 5 Room 2071).

Here are the 4 candidates and their election statements (in alphabetical order):

Søren Dosenrode
Dear Colleagues
I would be honored to serve in the steering committee of SG Federalism & Regionalism!
My research interests are twofold: the European Union (EU) and regional integration theory; obviously they often overlap. I have argued that the EU today resembles some kind of federation (e.g. Approaching the European Federation? Ashgate 2007). I also try to argue the case, that the old integration theories were given up too early, and that especially federalism gives fruitful insights as to why and how regional integration happens (cf. Federalism as Theory of Regional Integration, Oxford Research Encyclopedia, OUP 2018). After 7 years in Switzerland, it is – kind of – obvious, that I am familiar with especially the Austrian, German and Swiss federal systems (I participated in a Swiss National Fund project on the Europeanization of small state executives in Austria, Belgium and Switzerland some years ago).
2010-2018 I was professor of international politics, now I am Jean Monnet professor. I am affiliated Aalborg University (Denmark), where I head the Aalborg Center for European studies (ACEuS ), which we started a bit more than a year ago. It is the successor of Center for Comparative Integration Studies, which I headed from 2005 until 2016.
Homepage: http://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/soeren-dosenrode(898109c9-70ec-4b2b-8600-274e59dd2594)/publications.html
Best regards,
Søren Dosenrode

Elodie Fabre
I am a Lecturer in Politics and International Studies at Queen’s University Belfast (website). My research is broadly in the field of territorial politics, with an interest in political parties, party competition, and citizen engagement in multi-level states. I have published on party organisation and party competition in multi-level states in journals such as Regional and Federal Studies, Party Politics, and Regional Studies. I am currently working on a project on citizen engagement and democratic innovations at the sub-state level, focusing on how sub-state institutions and parties reply to the decline in electoral participation and party membership. I am also the France co-ordinator of the Political Party Database (PPDB) project, for which I collect data on the organisation of French political parties. I have been a member of the Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism for about 10 years, and I have been part of the steering committee since 2013. Since then, I have chaired one section at the General conference (and I will be chairing the section in Hamburg this year), co-chaired two, and chaired a panel pretty much every year. I am also the fingers behind @ECPR_Federalism on Twitter. I hope to continue serving our community through the standing group and encourage communication and collaboration between colleagues.

Mike Medeiros
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam.
My research explores sociopolitical issues related to ethnoregionalism and sub-state nationalism. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how individuals from minority groups develop demands for cultural rights and decentralization as well as the acceptance, or rejection, of these demands by the wider national community.
As a scholar originally from Quebec, I see the ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism as representing an important outlet for territorial politics, exploring issues which are central to the sociopolitical realities of national minorities. Not only does the Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism help bring together scholars from around the world, it allows for the study of regionalism and federalism to be further developed. I thus wish to contribute to the Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism in order to continue to bring scholars together and to stimulate collaborative research, but I would also seek to promote the communication of new research and publications that are relevant to our scholarly community.
Research interests: Decentralization, Ethnopolitics, Nationalism and Political Behaviour

Arjan Schakel
I am assistant professor at Maastricht University and my research interests concern federalism, decentralization, regional elections, regional parties, and multilevel party systems. You can consult my website to learn more about me: www.arjanschakel.nl. Continuity is one of the main reasons to stand as candidate. I have been member of the management team since 2013 and I would like to continue my membership to continue our standing group’s good presence at the general conference and the joint sessions of workshops. By being closely involved in the organisation of our standing group activities I am able to keep track of the latest research on federalism and regionalism which helps me to invite colleagues to submit manuscript proposals to the book series on ‘Comparative Territorial Politics’ published by Palgrave Macmillan (I am editor together with Michael Keating and Michaël Tatham) and to the ‘Annual Special Issue on Regional Elections’ (the first issue is published in volume 28 issue 3) published by Regional and Federal Studies (I am editor together with Valentyna Romanova). I value close ties with our sister organisations Research Committee 28 on Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance of the International Political Science Association and the Territorial Politics and Federalism Research Network of the Council for European Studies. My intention is to keep coordinating our activities so that our members have interesting conferences, panels and workshops to go to throughout the year.

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