Welfare state
- European Data Centre for Work and Welfare lists 500+ data sources on work, care and welfare
- Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset on eligibility and generosity of various welfare state benefits
- Unemployment Replacement Rates Dataset
- Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset
- Center of Political Gravity Data Set
- World Bank Database on Political Institutions
- European Voter Project
- Benoit and Laver: Party Policy in Modern Democracies
- Comparative Political Data Set on partisanship, electoral institutions, and the welfare state
- Compendium Project dataset
- Women in Parliament
- Global Elections Database
- International IDEA Voter Turnout Website
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
- Manifesto Project Database
- Duane Swank’s Comparative Parties Dataset
- PARLINE database on national parliaments
- Extreme Right Electorates and Party Success (EREPS)
- Parliament and government composition database (ParlGov)
Wage bargaining and unions
- Miriam Golden Dataverse on corporatism, collective bargaining and unions
Torben Iversen Dataverse on redistribution, wage bargaining and central bank independence
- ICTWSS database on Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts in 34 countries between1960 and 2007
- The Macro data guide
- EU Klems on sectoral wage developments and employment trends
- OECD statistics
- AMECO database on economic and financial developments in the EU
- Institute for the Study of Labor – Labor Market Data
- Eurobarometer provides in-depth thematical studies carried out for various services of the European Commission or other EU Institutions and integrated in Standard Eurobarometer’s polling waves
- International Social Survey Program
- European Social Survey
- European Values Study
- World Values Survey
- European Working Conditions Survey provides an overview on the state of working conditions throughout Europe, as well as indicating the nature and content of changes affecting the workforce and the quality of work
- A collection of survey statistics at statistics.country website