
ECPR Graduate Student Conference

Call for Panels and Papers ECPR Graduate Student Conference More Panels added to Find a Friend. Check here to see if you have a Paper that would fit. Or – email Anna Foley ( if you have an idea for a Panel and need more Papers. Deadline for the submission of all Papers and Panels ECPR Graduate Student Conference

ECPR General Conference

The Group has also sponsored six Panels at the conference with further details available here

ECPR Research Sessions 2013

Erin K. Wilson (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) organised a Session at the 2013 Research Session with the title ‘The Postsecular and Political Belonging’. Details of the theme of the Session, Paper titles and abstracts and identities of those attending can be found here

Meeting in Bordeaux

The Standing Group on Religion and Politics will be holding a meeting in Bordeaux on Thursday 5 September from 1315-1400 in room E110.