New Book: Islam, Democracy, and Cosmopolitanism

Islam, Democracy, and Cosmopolitanism: At Home and in the World Ali Mirsepassi Tadd Graham Fernée Cambridge University Press May 2014 This book presents a critical study of citizenship, state and globalization in societies that have been historically influenced by Islamic traditions and institutions. Interrogating the work of contemporary theorists of Islamic modernity such as New Book: Islam, Democracy, and Cosmopolitanism

New Book: Religion, Identity and Human Security

Giorgio Shani (2014) Religion, Identity and Human Security (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge) ISBN: 978-0-415-50906-0. Description Religion, Identity and Human Security attempts to articulate a ‘post-secular’ approach to Human Security suited to a globalizing and increasingly post-Western world. It is divided into two sections. The first section provides the theoretical framework for re-conceptualizing Critical Human Security New Book: Religion, Identity and Human Security

Call for Book Chapters: Resistance versus promotion of globalization

Edited Book project – contributions needed for specific chapters: Resistance versus promotion of globalization: contrasting roles of religious activism in the global economy The study of religion in international relations has focused on the relationship between religion and modernity, the impact of religion on the secular state system, on both religious and secular violence, and Call for Book Chapters: Resistance versus promotion of globalization

Ph.d. and post-doc fellowships – University of Oslo

Ph.d. and post-doc fellowships at the University of Oslo, Norway: 1. Two Doctoral research fellowships in Politics and Society in the Middle East 2. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship – Ideological and cultural development in the Middle East after ca 1850 3. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in the study of central aspects of the development of Ph.d. and post-doc fellowships – University of Oslo