Call for Participants: Section on Islam in International Affairs (EISA Conference, Izmir, 7-10 September 2016)

Call for participants for the section on Islam in International Affairs: Politics and Paradigms EISA 10th Pan-European Conference, Izmir (Turkey), 7-10 September 2013 Organized by the European International Studies Association (EISA) Chaired by (International Relations and Islamic Studies Research Cohort) The section presents Islamic contributions to international affairs and to the field of International Call for Participants: Section on Islam in International Affairs (EISA Conference, Izmir, 7-10 September 2016)

International Seminar on Theology, Religion and Politics (Buenos Aires, November 26, 2015)

INTERNATIONAL SEMINARY OF THEOLOGY, RELIGION AND POLITICS November 26, 2015, Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina PEC (Cultural Studies Program) part of IEI (Initial Studies Institute) Institutional support: UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales) IPSA (International Political Science Association)-RC43 Politics and Religion Academic coordination: Dra. Emilce Cuda Presentation of international International Seminar on Theology, Religion and Politics (Buenos Aires, November 26, 2015)

Politics and Religion Journal: Special issue on ‘Religion and Politics in Europe”

Volume IX (No. 2) – Autumn 2015 Table of Content The Word of the Guest Editor TOPIC OF THIS ISSUE POLITICS AND RELIGION IN EUROPE Jonas Lindberg Religion as a Means to Societal Cohesion in Nordic politics 1988-2010 Michael P. Hornsby-Smith Religion and Politics in the United Kingdom Philippe Portier Laicity and women’s rights. Equality Politics and Religion Journal: Special issue on ‘Religion and Politics in Europe”