
Workshops, conferences and other events on religion and politics.

Conference: Freedom of Religion: Recent ECtHR and CJEU Case Law

Conference Freedom of Religion: Recent ECtHR and CJEU Case Law Strasbourg, 18-19 October 2018 Key topics: Freedom of religion at national and international levels The State’s duty of neutrality Places of worship and religious practice Conscientious objectors Religious education Religious symbols and clothing Relationship between the State Please click here for the detailed programme and Conference: Freedom of Religion: Recent ECtHR and CJEU Case Law

Conference: Ten year of publishing the Politics and Religion Journal (PRJ)

The Center for Study of Religion and Religious Tolerance and the Faculty of Political Science University of Belgrade jointly organized an international scientific conference dedicated to the tenth consecutive year of publishing the Politics and Religion Journal (PRJ). The Conference was held on November 25th 2016 and around 30 researchers had a chance to present Conference: Ten year of publishing the Politics and Religion Journal (PRJ)

International Seminar on Theology, Religion and Politics (Buenos Aires, November 26, 2015)

INTERNATIONAL SEMINARY OF THEOLOGY, RELIGION AND POLITICS November 26, 2015, Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina PEC (Cultural Studies Program) part of IEI (Initial Studies Institute) Institutional support: UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales) IPSA (International Political Science Association)-RC43 Politics and Religion Academic coordination: Dra. Emilce Cuda Presentation of international International Seminar on Theology, Religion and Politics (Buenos Aires, November 26, 2015)

2015 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society”

Call for applications for the 2015 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society: Entanglement and Confrontation”. This summer school is a one-week course taking place from Sunday 23rd of August until Sunday 30th of August 2015 (dates of arrival and departure). This year the programme will focus on the topic: Is Faith-based Violence Religious? 2015 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society”

Conference: Islam and Democracy. Exploring the Strategies of Political Islam

The Cordoba Foundation NATIONAL CONFERENCE ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY: Exploring the Strategies of Political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Contribution On the back of a trending upsurge in interest and critique of political Islam following the Arab Spring, and particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, this timely conference seeks to unpick the nature and manifestation of political Islam Conference: Islam and Democracy. Exploring the Strategies of Political Islam

Religion and Political Theory Centre Lecture Series 2014-15

Religion and Political Theory Centre Lecture Series 2014-15 Multidisciplinary Engagements with Religion Wednesday 24 September 2014, Council Room ‘Spiritual Governance: The Chaplain as Priest of the Secular’ Winnifred Fallers Sullivan , Indiana University Bloomington Thursday 30 October 2014, Council Room ‘Religious Divisions After the Reformation: A Spur to Secularization?’ Ben Kaplan, UCL (University College London) Religion and Political Theory Centre Lecture Series 2014-15