CfP for the panel proposal: “Right-wing populism, religion and democratic backsliding”

ECPR General Conference at Charles University, Prague, 4-8 September 2023 Section “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” Convenors: Luca Ozzano ( and Sultan Tepe ( After the conference, the revised papers will be submitted as a special issue to an international journal. Please send your proposal of up to 200 CfP for the panel proposal: “Right-wing populism, religion and democratic backsliding”

CfP fot the panel “The religious-secular cleavage in party competition in the 21st century”

ECPR General Conference at Charles University, Prague, 4-8 September 2023 Section “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field”Convenor: Matthias Kortmann (Technical University of Dortmund, Contrary to expectations of secularization theorists of the 20st century, religion has remained an important and contested issue between parties in the 21st century. First, this CfP fot the panel “The religious-secular cleavage in party competition in the 21st century”

CfP: “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” (ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023)

Propose your panel or paper proposal now via the ECPR website! More information can be obtained from the convenors: Luca Ozzano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Sultan Tepe, University of Illinois at Chicago, In recent years, religion has once again become a significant force in politics, with the electoral success of populist religious CfP: “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” (ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023)