
CfP&P: “Religious Revival, Secularization, or Both? Religion and politics in times of increasing societal complexity”

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals for the 2024 ECPR General Conference – Religion and Politics Section We are pleased to announce that the ECPR website is now open for paper and panel submissions for the 2024 General Conference set to take place at University College Dublin 12-15 August. Please find below the abstract of CfP&P: “Religious Revival, Secularization, or Both? Religion and politics in times of increasing societal complexity”

CfP for the panel proposal: “Right-wing populism, religion and democratic backsliding”

ECPR General Conference at Charles University, Prague, 4-8 September 2023 Section “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” Convenors: Luca Ozzano ( and Sultan Tepe ( After the conference, the revised papers will be submitted as a special issue to an international journal. Please send your proposal of up to 200 CfP for the panel proposal: “Right-wing populism, religion and democratic backsliding”

Cfp: “Christianity and Populism” (ECPR General Conference, 31 August-3 September 2021)

Call for papers Panel on “Christianity and Populism” 2021 ECPR General Conference – Section on “Religious Freedom in Europe” Convenors: Luca Ozzano (University of Turin,; Myunghee Lee (University of Missouri,; and Emma Rosenberg (University of Notre Dame, To propose a paper, please send an abstract of up to 200 words to the Cfp: “Christianity and Populism” (ECPR General Conference, 31 August-3 September 2021)

Call for papers: Religions, populism and political parties

Call for papers: Panel on “Religions, populism and political parties” Convenors: Luca Ozzano (University of Turin, and Pierre Baudry (École pratique des Hautes Études/CNRS, Conference of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP), University of Turin, 6-8 September 2018. PANEL ABSTRACT: To explain the formation and the persistence of political parties in Europe, political Call for papers: Religions, populism and political parties

Call for papers: “Religion and Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies” (ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018)

Call for papers Panel on “Religion and Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies” Convenor: Luca Ozzano, University of Turin, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018, Section on “Revisiting Religion and Politics Research: Achievements, Critique, Future Questions” (Convenors Anja Hennig and Luca Ozzano) Abstract: The role of religion in contemporary democracies has been for Call for papers: “Religion and Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies” (ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018)

Call for papers: Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network 5th International Conference

Call for Papers| 5-6 July 2018, King’s College London Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network 5th International Conference Worldviews in World View: Particularizing Secularism, Secularity and Nonreligion Convener: Dr Stacey Gutkowski, King’s College London Conference Assistants: Yosr Ben Slima and Sam Jeffery In his Formations of the Secular, Talal Asad called on researchers to attend to Call for papers: Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network 5th International Conference

Cfp: Religion and the Rise of Populism The editors of the journal Religion, State and Society are pleased to invite contributions to a special issue, slated for publication in early 2018. The special issue will investigate the roles of religion in recent trends towards populist politics, in particular as manifested in public reactions to migration, the rise of new nationalisms, and Cfp: Religion and the Rise of Populism

Cfp: Religion and Gender in Migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe

The ‘Central and Eastern European Migration Review’ invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their articles to Special Issue: Religion and Gender in Migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe. Guest editors: Katarzyna Leszczyńska, Faculty of Humanities, AGH University of Science and Technology Sylwia Urbańska, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw Katarzyna Zielińska, Institute Cfp: Religion and Gender in Migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe

Call for papers: Anarchism and Religion

CALL FOR PAPERS Anarchism and Religion: Broadening the Focus Anarchist Studies Network 4th International Conference Loughborough University 14-16 September 2016 The intersection of anarchism and religion has provided a fertile field of intellectual inquiry. Some publications have focused on traditional anarchist quarrels with religion and its institutions; others have elaborated and discussed anarchist exegesis of Call for papers: Anarchism and Religion