religion and politics

CfP&P: “Religious Revival, Secularization, or Both? Religion and politics in times of increasing societal complexity”

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals for the 2024 ECPR General Conference – Religion and Politics Section We are pleased to announce that the ECPR website is now open for paper and panel submissions for the 2024 General Conference set to take place at University College Dublin 12-15 August. Please find below the abstract of CfP&P: “Religious Revival, Secularization, or Both? Religion and politics in times of increasing societal complexity”

CfP: Digital religion meets politics: pushing boundaries and opening-up new perspectives

Special Issue in the Journal “Frontiers in Political Science” New digital technologies change all kind of societal spheres, including the landscape of religion and religious practices. “Christianity influencer”, faith tweets, digital chaplaincy, or online Islamic hate speech are popular examples in place. The rapidly growing scholarship, known as digital religion studies, explores the extent to CfP: Digital religion meets politics: pushing boundaries and opening-up new perspectives

CfP: Religion, secularization and party politics in the 21st century

Panel at 29th DVPW Convention (German Political ScienceAssociation) 2024 When: 24-27 September 2024 Where: Georg-August-University Göttingen / Germany The panel examines the religious-secular cleavage in party competition in democratic political systems. Until recently, political scientists assumed that due to the ongoing secularization process in Western societies religion would no longer play a significant role as CfP: Religion, secularization and party politics in the 21st century

CfP: “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” (ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023)

Propose your panel or paper proposal now via the ECPR website! More information can be obtained from the convenors: Luca Ozzano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Sultan Tepe, University of Illinois at Chicago, In recent years, religion has once again become a significant force in politics, with the electoral success of populist religious CfP: “Religion and Politics in the 2020s: The State of the Field” (ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023)

Call for papers: “Emerging Religious Oppositions to Populism” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for papers: “Emerging Religious Oppositions to Populism: A New Kind of Public Engagement of Religious Communities in Secularised Societies?” (2019 ECPR General Conference) Panel abstract Over the last two decades far-right populist parties have dramatically increased their electoral consensus, they have taken power in several countries, and they managed to impose their arguments in Call for papers: “Emerging Religious Oppositions to Populism” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for papers: “Churches and the Democratic Process in Europe and Beyond. Contemporary Challenges” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

ECPR Conference Wroclaw 2019 – Panel Proposal Call for Papers Panel Proposal “Churches and the Democratic Process in Europe and Beyond. Contemporary Challenges” (chair: Michael Minkenberg, European Univ. Viadrina) Panel Abstract For a long time in comparative politics, churches (unlike interest groups or NGOs) have not been among the “usual suspects” in the actor-centered study Call for papers: “Churches and the Democratic Process in Europe and Beyond. Contemporary Challenges” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for Papers: Orthodox Christianity and Politics in XXI century (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for Papers: Orthodox Christianity and Politics in XXI century ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, 4-7 September 2019 After the fall of communism, we have witnessed the resurgence of religion in the dominant Orthodox Christian countries across Eastern Europe. This process, among other things, brings back dominant religious communities, namely autocephalous and autonomous Orthodox Christian churches, Call for Papers: Orthodox Christianity and Politics in XXI century (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for papers: “The Religionization of Israeli Society” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for papers: The Religionization of Israeli Society Proposals are invited for a panel titled “The Religionization of Israeli Society” to be included in the section “Religion and Politics in a Secular Age: Pattern, Dynamics and Consequences” at the ECPR General Conference in Wroclaw, September 4-7, 2019. Panel Abstract De-secularization of the public sphere is Call for papers: “The Religionization of Israeli Society” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

Call for papers: Visiting Religion in “Global Africa”

The University of the Free State invites proposals for a conference to be held at the Black Mountain Leisure and Conference Hotel, Bloemfontein, South Africa from 24 September 2019 to 26 September 2019 Visiting Religion in “Global Africa” 1. Context New dynamics in Africa, how religious groups organize themselves, how they relate to the state, Call for papers: Visiting Religion in “Global Africa”

Call for papers: “The rise of a Christian right in Europe” (2019 ECPR General Conference)

ECPR General Conference 2019, Section “Religion and politics in a secular age: pattern, dynamics and consequences” CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE PANEL: “The rise of a Christian right in Europe” Madalena Meyer Resende (NOVA University of Lisbon) Anja Hennig (Europa Universitaet Viadrina) Panel Abstract Christianity and nationalism have been part of the ideological make up Call for papers: “The rise of a Christian right in Europe” (2019 ECPR General Conference)