SG Annual Meeting minutes

MINUTES Standing Group Annual Meeting @12.50-13.50, Building C, Room 405, University of Wroclaw,  5.9.2019

  1. Minutes of last AM meeting were approved. Richard Bellamy gave Sandra Kröger’s apologies and took the Chair in her place.
  2. Nobody had any projects to report.
  3. There was a discussion about what issues the SG might address in the future. The belief was that the Groups niche lay in the way it brought together political science and normative theory, being ecumenical about both. Although the focus had been European/EU the SG was open to looking at other areas and possibly collaborating with other SGs in cognate areas.
  4. Attendance was low. Hence, there was a discussion also about how one might increase participation at the AGM – one thought was to emulate the Political Theory and International Political Theory Msgs and may be organise a social event such as meeting at a pub one evening at the next General Conference.
    • John Erik proposed that we coordinate with other SGs about a keynote lecture given by a leading scholar (or a roundtable) at the general conference, and we all supported this idea.
    • Agreement on strengthening the social dimension of the SG (this is also something where we can join forces with other SGs, perhaps in combination with the Keynote).
  5. We discussed a proposal that was made in the past about proposing sections on more specific topics. On the other hand, according to Zoe, it may be good keep the section proposals broad enough to enable both theorists and empiricists to exchange (easier under a common umbrella theme than too specific topics) and the others agreed on it. We are a big yet not huge SG and we should make sure a broad spectrum of research agendas, approaches and methods are represented.
  6. The three candidates to take over the running of the SG were approved – Zoe Lefkofridi (Chair), John Erik Fossum, and Lasse Thomassen. It was agreed they formed a group of scholars whose interests promised to maintain the range and interdisciplinary character of the group. They had already begun to discuss a division tasks among themselves, and to prepare for proposing a section for the next General Conference.
  7. The attendees expressed their gratitude to Sandra Kröger for founding the SG and running it over the past six years. As John Erik observed, and everyone concurred, she will be a hard act to follow.
  8. Another idea is to share syllabi on representation topics so that the SG offers a platform of exchange in teaching Pol. Representation
  9. We talked about the need to get input by the members of the SG. One idea by Kyriaki Nanou was to launch a short survey to ask members about what they would like to us to do. We will look into how we could do this most efficiently and get back to you. In the meantime, you are welcome to send us any ideas you have per email.