06 November 2020:

The new steering committee held its first meeting in the new composition. The minutes are available here.

20 September 2020:

The members of the TLP Standing Group elected in June 2020 a new steering committee. At the same time, the ECPR endorsed the proposal of expanding the steering committee from 5 to 7 members. The new committee members are:

  • Silviu Piros, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (Convenor)
  • Shardia Briscoe-Palmer, De Montfort University, United Kingdom (Member)
  • Dorothy Duchatelet, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Member)
  • Alexandra Mihai, Maastricht University, The Netherlands (Member)
  • Dale Mineshima-Lowe, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom (Member)
  • Agnes Simon, Masaryk University, Czechia (Member)
  • Jana Urbanovská, Masaryk University, Czechia (Member)

15 August 2018:

The schedule for our panels at the ECPR conference in Hamburg is out now. We are looking forward to meeting you.

31 January 2018:

Our latest newsletter is available here.

26 January 2018:

Our group is proposing seven panels to the ECPR General Conference in Oslo (6-9 September 2017). For panel details and information about how to submit a paper, or how to volunteer as chair and/or discussant, read the Call for Papers.

1 December 2017:

The call for the 3rd European Conference on Teaching Politics, International Relations and European Studies is out now.

30 November 2017:

Our November 2017 newsletter with information on upcoming events are now online.

14 October 2017:

The Steering Committee met via Skype on 4 October 2017 and made a decision on a number of things. You can read the meeting notes here.

26 September 2017:

The ECPR plenary roundtable on the Consequences of Internationalization of Political Science Education was very successful. You can read ECPR’s official summary here.

21 September 2017:

Our September 2017 newsletter of with information about past and upcoming events and opportunities is available here.

24 June 2017:

In June 2017 our standing group held elections for the five positions on its steering community. 62 votes were cast (out of 191 members). From September 2017 onwards, the ECPR standing group on Teaching and Learning Politics Steering committee is going to be comprised of:

  • Eszter Simon (University of Birmingham)
  • Gabriela Pleschova (University of Economics in Bratislava)
  • Heidi Maurer (Maastricht Universiteit)
  • Silviu Piros (IES, Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
  • Ulrich Hamenstädt (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

We thank all members for casting their vote and want to extend a special thanks to our outgoing committee members Simon J. Rofe and Simon Lightfoot, who had an important stake in supporting the growth and sustainable health of our standing group.

23 June 2017:

Our standing group is organizing 7 panels at the upcoming ECPR conference in Oslo, and one of the conference roundtables will also concern teaching and learning. Check out the date, time and location of our panels and the plenary roundtable here.

23 May 2017:

VOTE NOW! The election for our Steering Committee is taking place from 19 May to 9 June 2017. Please participate so that our group can continue advocating for teaching and learning in Political Science education. You can vote by following the link ECPR has emailed you or by signing into your myECPR account. For further information on how to vote, check out the ECPR Election Guide.

22 May 2017:

Peter Bursens and Simon Usherwood is organizing an ECPR Joint Session on the “Effects of Active Learning Environments,” in Nicosia, Cyprus, between 10-15 April 2018. Those interested to participate should propose a paper on the ECPR website no later than 1 December, 2017.

21 May 2017:

The 4th ECPR Teaching and Learning summer school will be held from 15 July 2018 to 23 July 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The call will be published here in August 2017.

20 May 2017:

Save the date for the ECPR Plenary Roundtable on The Consequences of the Internationalization of Political Science Education during the ECPR General Conference in Oslo. The roundtable is organized by TLP Steering Committee member, Dr. Eszter Simon and some of our members will act as speakers. The roundtable will be held at 14:00-15:30 on 7 September 2017 (Thursday). Everyone interested is welcome to participate – we are hoping for a lively and well-attended roundtable.

5 March 2017:

The tenure of our steering committee is coming to an end this spring. Thus, in accordance with our statutes, we are currently soliciting candidates for all five places on the TLP Steering Committee. We kindly invite anyone interested to consider standing for steering committee elections for our growing and active ECPR Standing Group on Teaching and Learning Politics. Our group is going to hold elections for the five steering committee posts during April 2017. What started a few years ago with a small circle of enthusiastic and like-minded colleagues, turned now into a supportive network of more than 180 members. We keep exchanging our ideas at various conferences, summer schools, and actively promote the scholarship of teaching and learning. What next? For this we need new ideas, new faces, new input: get now actively involved in further developing our exchange through the standing group!

Nominations are accepted until 31 March 2017. Candidates are kindly asked to send a short “candidate statement” (max 150 words) to teaching@eurea.sk, which outlines their vision and proposed priorities.

16 January 2017:

Our group is proposing seven panels to the ECPR General Conference in Oslo (6-9 September 2017). For panel details and information about how to submit a paper, read the Call for Papers.

1 September 2016:

Our third newsletter of the year with information about past and upcoming events and opportunities is available here.

15 June 2016:

You can read our latest newsletter here.

7 February 2016:

Our January 2016 newsletter with important news and information is available here.

21 March 2015:

Our group now has a leaflet, which you can find here. Please feel free to print a couple of copies if you wish to disseminate information about our group at conferences and workshops.

19 March 2-15:

The teaching and learning panels at the upcoming ECPR Conference in Montreal have been finalized. Paper abstracts are available here.

13 March 2015:

The Handbook on Teaching and Learning Political Science and International Relations is now available for purchase. You can find more information about the book on the publisher’s website.

14 January 2105:

Several of our members have contributed to Ishiyama, Miller, Simon’s forthcoming (May 2015) Handbook on Teaching and Learning Political Science and International Relations published by Edward Elgar. For the full reference, go to our Publication and Resources page. More information about the book can be found on the publisher’s website.

10 January 2015:

We are organizing two panels at the ECPR General Conference in Montreal. Details can be found here.

7 January 2015:

As of today, the TLP Standing Group 116 members who are coming from 28 countries.

22 December 2014:

Lina Klymenko, a graduate from the first ECPR Teaching and Learning summer school (2012), has published a piece on using problem-based learning with her students in the Austrian Journal of Political Science. You can find the full reference here and read the paper here.

7 December 2014:

Our Steering Committee has forwarded two names to ECPR for approval as part of our search for a Co-Editor of European Political Science.