Section on ‘The Role of Transitional Justice in the Prevention of Violence and the Establishment of Peace’– 2018 ECPR General Conference, Hamburg

At the ECPR general conference in Hamburg, the ECPR Standing Group on Transitional Justice and Human Rights organised a section on ‘Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Role of Transitional Justice in the Prevention of Violence and the Establishment of Peace’.

This section brought together established scholars, early career researchers and practitioners in the interdisciplinary field of transitional justice. The six panels took place on 23rd and 24th September 2018 in Hamburg. The section explored the linkages and intersections between transitional justice and the prevention of violations and transitional justice as peacebuilding. Participants discussed the role of civil society in preventing violations; the interactions between transitional justice and peace; the impact of human rights trials; processes of change and transitional justice, and the agency of various actors involved in transitional justice. Multiple case studies were analysed, including Sri Lanka, Spain, Ukraine, Romania, Colombia and Cambodia.

An overview of the section and papers can be found here.

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