The ECPR Standing Group on Transitional Justice and Human Rights is organising a Section on “Human Rights under Threat: Implications for Transitional Justice”, at the 2019 ECPR General Conference in Wrocław. The Convenors are welcoming Panels and Papers that explore current challenges to human rights and transitional justice, and the implications for transitional justice of ongoing attacks on human rights. Panels and papers may address the current state of human rights as a norm, practice or politics; and how ongoing reflections and debates within the human rights movement resonate in the transitional justice field. They may also discuss transitional justice in contexts of ongoing violations; the current state of international criminal justice; the relation between transitional justice, economic and social rights and the implementation of sustainable development goals; or various forms of engagement, participation and mobilization in transitional justice.
Deadline for applications is February 18, 2019. To see the full call for papers and panels, please click here.