Call for Papers for the Workshop on ‘Representation of minorities: perspectives and challenges’

Location: University of York, 15 May 2015 The aim of this Workshop is to discuss new approaches to the study of minority representation, especially turning the attention from who represents minorities to how minority representation takes place. While the question of how democracy can represent diversity (or fails to do so) is pressing both in Call for Papers for the Workshop on ‘Representation of minorities: perspectives and challenges’

Call for Joint Sessions Paper Proposals

Paper proposals for the 2015 Joint Sessions of Workshops can now be submitted, by clicking here. The deadline for Paper proposals is 1 December 2014. To view the Academic Programme, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Taylor (

Could you shape the future of the ECPR? 

For the last 44 years the ECPR has been instrumental in shaping the development of the political science discipline. With a portfolio of major international events, highly ranked publications, prestigious prizes and an institutional membership that is growing year on year, the ECPR remains at the cutting edge of political science and is the association Could you shape the future of the ECPR? 

ECPR Research Sessions 2015: Proposals now being accepted

Radboud University Nijmegen 30 June – 3 July 2015 The Research Sessions offers established collaborative groups the opportunity to step away from their hectic work schedules and focus on commencing, or completing, their research in an environment suitable for concentrated discussion. Click here for further information. Deadline for proposals: 23 February 2015

ECPR Funding

Funding for Full members is available for the ECPR Joint Sessions and the ECPR Winter School. Click here for further information

ECPR General Conference: Call for Sections

The 2015 General Conference will be taking place in Montreal – the ECPR’s first ever event to be held outside of Europe. Click here to submit your Section proposal for the ECPR General Conference now. Deadline is 17 November.

Duncan Black Award

The Standing Group on Analytical Politics and Public Choice, which is active within ECPR, has created the Duncan Black Award. This award honours a graduate student who has presented the best paper at the ECPR General Conference pursuing research in analytical politics that combines systematic theoretical thinking and rigorous empirical testing. The award carries a Duncan Black Award