Please find below a list of recent publications that may be of interest to members of the ECPR SG on Immigration and Ethnicity
Publications 2020
Askim, Jostein, and Anton Steen. (2020). Trading Refugees: The Governance of Refugee Settlement in a Decentralized Welfare State. Scandinavian Political Studies, 23:1, 24–45.
Brunarska, Zuzanna. (2020). Post-Soviet Migrants in Poland: A Uniform or Heterogeneous Population? In M. Denisenko, S. Strozza, and M. Light (Eds.) Migration from the Newly Independent States. 25 Years After the Collapse of the USSR. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Cham: Springer, pp. 511–532.
Carvalho, João. (2020). Immigrants’ Acquisition of National Citizenship in Portugal and Spain: The Role of Multiculturalism? Citizenship Studies, 24:2, 228–246.
Cleton, Laura. (2020). Book review: Deported Americans: Life After Deportation to Mexico by Beth C. Caldwell. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review.
Cleton, Laura, and Sébastien Chauvin. (2020). Performing Freedom in the Dutch Deportation Regime: Bureaucratic Persuasion and the Enforcement of ‘Voluntary Return.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46:1, 297–313.
Cleton, Laura, and Reinhard Schweitzer. (2020). Using or Inducing Aspirations? On the Role of Return Counsellors in the Implementation of ‘Assisted Voluntary Return’ Policies in Austria and the Netherlands. IMI Working Paper Series, 160, 1–22.
Duszczyk, Maciej, Marta Pachocka, and Dominika Pszczółkowska (Eds.) (2020). Relations between Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe. Routledge.
Finn, Victoria. (2020). Migrant Voting: Here, There, in Both Countries, or Nowhere. Citizenship Studies.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel and Daniela Vintila. (2020). Consular Assistance for Citizens in Distress: A Comparison of National Policies of EU Member States, Switzerland and the UK. MiTSoPro Working Paper.
Lutz, Philipp. (2020). Loved and Feared: Citizens’ Ambivalence towards Free Movement in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy.
Lutz, Philipp, David Kaufmann, and Anna Stünzi. (2020). Humanitarian protection as a European public good: The strategic role of states and refugees. Journal of Common Market Studies.
Pecoraro, Marco, and Didier Ruedin. (2020). Occupational Exposure to Foreigners and Attitudes towards Equal Opportunities. Migration Studies.
Sabchev, Tihomir Y., and Moritz G.N. Baumgärtel. (2020). The Path of Least Resistance? EU Cities and Locally Organised Resettlement. Forced Migration Review, 63, 38–40.
Tsourapas, Gerasimos. (2020). Theorizing State-Diaspora Relations in the Middle East: Authoritarian Emigration States in Comparative Perspective. Mediterranean Politics, 25:2, 135–159.
Umpierrez de Reguero, Sebastián, and Régis Dandoy. (2020). Extending the incumbency presence abroad. The case of MPAIS in Ecuadorian elections. In: T. Kernalegenn and E. van Haute (Eds.) Political Parties Abroad: A New Arena for Party Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Wallaschek, Stefan. (2020). The Discursive Construction of Solidarity: Analysing Public Claims in Europe’s Migration Crisis. Political Studies, 68:1, 74–92.
Xhardez, Catherine. (2020). Citizenship as a Rhetorical Tool of Nation-Building. Discourse in Flanders and Quebec. Citizenship Studies.
Publications 2019
Adamson, Fiona B., and Gerasimos Tsourapas. (2019). Migration Diplomacy in World Politics. International Studies Perspectives, 20:2, 113–128.
Armingeon, Klaus, and Philipp Lutz. (2019). Muddling between Responsiveness and Responsibility: The Swiss case of a non-implementation of a constitutional rule. Comparative European Politics.
Auer, Daniel, and Didier Ruedin. (2019). Who Feels Disadvantaged? Drivers of Perceived Discrimination in Switzerland In I. Steiner and P. Wanne (Eds.) Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus. IMISCOE Research Series. New York: Springer.
Brunarska, Zuzanna. (2019). Anti-immigrant Attitudes in Russia: the Group Position Model Reconsidered. Europe-Asia Studies, 71:9, 1508–1531.
Brunarska, Zuzanna. (2019). A “Good Enough” Choice: Bounded Rationality in Migration Destination Choice. Studia Migracyjne–Przegląd Polonijny, 2:172, 43–62.
Cianetti, Licia. (2019). Governing the Multicultural City: Europe’s Great Urban Expectations Facing Austerity and Resurgent Nativism. Urban Studies.
Cianetti, Licia. (2019). The Quality of Divided Democracies: Minority Inclusion, Exclusion, and Representation in the New Europe. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Damery, Shannon, and Elsa Mescoli. (2019). Harnessing Visibility and Invisibility through Arts Practices: Ethnographic Case Studies with Migrant Performers in Belgium. Arts, 8(2), 49.
De Backer, Mattias. (2019). Class, Style and Territory in the Brussels Drari Microcultures of Brussels. Societies, 64:9, 1–17.
De Backer, Mattias. (2019). Being Different Together in Public Space: Young People, Everyday Cosmopolitanism and Parochial Atmospheres. Social and Cultural Geography.
Drazanova, Lenka. (2019). Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization Dataset (HIEF) Harvard Dataverse, V1.
Duszczyk, Maciej, Karolina Podgórska, and Dominika Pszczółkowska. (2019). From mandatory to voluntary. Impact of the V4 on the EU relocation scheme. European Politics and Society.
Finn, Victoria. (2019). Entre el individuo y el Estado: Burocracia pre- y post-migratoria. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 26(56): 159–178.
Finn, Victoria, Cristián Doña-Reveco, and Mayra Feddersen. (2019). Migration Governance in South America: Regional Approaches versus National Laws. In A. Geddes, M. V. Espinoza, L. Hadj-Abdou, & L. Brumat (Eds.) The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Heerden, Sjoerdje van, and Didier Ruedin. (2019). How Attitudes towards Immigrants Are Shaped by Residential Context: The Role of Neighbourhood Dynamics, Immigrant Visibility, and Areal Attachment. Urban Studies, 56: 2, 317–334.
Hoesch, Matthias, and Lena Laube (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop, Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis. ULB Münster.
Kovář, Jan. (2019). A Security Threat or an Economic Consequence? An Analysis of the News Framing of the European Union’s Refugee Crisis. International Communication Gazette.
Krawatzek, Félix, and Lea Müller-Funk. (2019). Two Centuries of Flows Between ‘Here’ and ‘There’: Political Remittances and their Transformative Potential. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Laube, Lena. (2019). The Relational Dimension of Externalizing Border Control: Selective Visa Policies in Migration and Border Diplomacy. Comparative Migration Studies, 7:29, 1–22.
Lutz, Philipp. (2019). Revisiting the Gap-Hypothesis: Tough Talk and Weak Action in Migration Policy? Party Politics.
Mescoli, Elsa. (2019). Food Practices among Moroccan Families in Milan: Creative Adjustments of Cultural Repertoires. In M.-P., Julien and N. Diasio (Eds.) Anthropology of Family Food Practices: Constraints, Adjustments, Innovations. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 217–240.
Perna, Roberta. (2019). Bound between care and control: Institutional contradictions and daily practices of healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation in Italy. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:12, 2103–2122.
Rahman, Md Mizanur, and Rakesh Ranjan. (2019). Local Migrant Organizations in the Periphery: Providing Healthcare in India. Migration and Development.
Ramírez, Jacques, and Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero. (2019). Estado, (e)migración y voto: análisis longitudinal de la experiencia ecuatoriana (2006–2019). ODISEA. Revista de Estudios Migratorios, 6, 31–64.
Rinelli, Lorenzo, and Marta Bordignon. (2019). Interrupted Flows. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Ruedin, Didier. (2019). South African Parties Hardly Politicise Immigration in Their Electoral Manifestos. Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 46:1.
Ruedin, Didier. (2019). Attitudes to Immigrants in South Africa: Personality and Vulnerability. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45:7, 1108–1126.
Ruedin, Didier, and Laura Morales. (2019). Estimating Party Positions on Immigration: Assessing the Reliability and Validity of Different Methods. Party Politics, 25:3, 303–314.
Ruspini, Paolo. (2019). Migrants Unbound. London: Transnational Press London.
Ruspini, Paolo. (2019). Migrants Unbound? Transnationalism, Immigrant Integration and Return Processes. In M. Czaika, L. Rössl, F. Altenburg, A. Faustmann, T. Pfeffer (Eds.), Migration & Integration 7. Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis, Reihe Dialog Forum Integration, Krems: Edition Donau-Universität Krems, pp. 65–74.
Tipaldou, Sofia, and Katrin Uba. (2019). Movement adaptability in dissimilar settings: The far right in Greece and Russia. European Societies, 21:4, 563–582.
Tsourapas, Gerasimos. (2019). The Politics of Migration in Modern Egypt: Strategies for Regime Survival in Autocracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tubakovic, Tamara. (2019). The Failure of Regional Refugee Protection and Responsibility Sharing: Policy Neglect in the EU and ASEAN Asian and Pacific. Migration Journal, 28:2, 183–209.
Umpierrez de Reguero, Sebastián, Lisa Zanotti, Javier Noboa, and Zaylin Brito. (2019). ¿Nuevos votos, viejos actores? El rol transnacional de las campañas electorales y los partidos políticos ecuatorianos. In I. Ríos Rivera, and G. Baquerizo Neira (Eds.) La comunicación política en campaña. Identidad, imagen y lenguaje como elementos estratégicos en campañas políticas latinoamericanas. Guayaquil: Universidad Casa Grande.
Westernveen, Laura, and Ilke Adam. (2019). Monitoring the Impact of Doing Nothing. New Trends in Immigrant Integration Policies. Ethnicities, 19:1, 20–43.
Xhardez, Catherine. (2019). From Different Paths to a Similar Road? Understanding the Convergence of Subnational Immigrant Integration Policies in Belgium. Regional Studies.
Xhardez, Catherine. (2019). Immigration Federalism: Towards a Broader, Comparative and Subnational Research Agenda Federal Governance, 15:2, 49–52.
Publications 2018
Adam, Ilke. (2018). Immigration and Sub-State Nations. Theorizing the Nexus. In Detterbeck, K. and Hepburn, E. (Eds.) Handbook on Territorial Politics. Cheltenham & Northampton: Edgar Elgar Publishing.
Adam, Ilke. (2018). Defying the Traditional Theses. Intergovernmental Relations on Immigrant Integration in Belgium Regional and Federal Studies, 29:5, 591–612.
Adam, Ilke, Soumia Akachar, Karen Celis, Serena D’Agostino, and Eline Severs. (2018). Understanding the controversy on Black Pete through the lens of Symbolic Representation. In C. Dupont, and M. Tanascescu (Eds.) The Edges of Representation: Mapping, Critiquing and Pushing the Boundaries. Colchester: ECPR Press.
Adam, Ilke, and Tiziana Caponio. (2018). Research on the Multi-Level Governance of Migration and Migrant Integration: Reversed Pyramids. In A. Weinar, S. Bonjour, and L. Zhynormirska (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe, London: Routledge.
Adam, Ilke, and Eve, Hepburn. (2018). Intergovernmental Relations on Immigrant Integration in Multilevel States. A Comparative Assessment. Regional and Federal Studies, 29:5, 563–589.
Adam, Ilke, and Andrea Rea. (2018). The three ‘i’s of workplace accommodation of Muslim religious practices: instrumental, internal and informal. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41:15, 2711–2730.
Bernhard, Laurent and David Kaufmann. (2018). Coping with the asylum challenge: Tightening and streamlining policies in Western Europe, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Bonjour, Saskia. (2018). Family Reunification and Migrant Integration Policies in the EU: Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion. In A. Ripoll Servent and F. Trauner (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research. Routledge.
Bonjour, Saskia, and Sébastien Chauvin. (2018). Migration Policy and Migrant Strategies: An Introduction. International Migration, 56:4, 5–18.
Bonjour, Saskia, and Jan Willem Duyvendak. (2018). The “migrant with poor prospects”: racialized intersections of class and culture in Dutch civic integration debates. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41:5, 882–900.
Caponio, Tiziana, Gaia Testore and Verena Wisthaler, 2018. “Intergovernmental Relations on Immigrant Integration in Italy. Insights from Piedmont and South Tyrol”, Regional & Federal Studies
Carvalho, João, and Didier Ruedin. (2018). The Positions Mainstream Left Parties Adopt on Immigration. Party Politics.
Castelli Gattinara, Pietro. (2018). Europeans, Shut the Borders! Anti-Refugee Mobilization in Italy and France. In D. Della Porta (Ed.) Contentious Moves: Solidarity Mobilizations in the ‘Long Summer of Migration’. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.271–296.
Castelli Gattinara, Pietro (2018) “Dimensional issue competition on migration: a comparative analysis of public debates in Western Europe”, Acta Politica.
D’Amato, Gianni, and Didier Ruedin. (2018). Immigration and Populist Political Strategies: The Swiss Case in a European Perspective. In G. Fitzi, J. Mackert, and B.S. Turner (Eds) Populism and the Crisis of Democracy, Vol. 3. Migration, Gender and Religion. Abingdon: Routledge.
Dionigi, Filippo (2018) “The Syrian Refugee Crisis in the Kurdish Region of Iraq: Explaining the Role of Borders in Situations of Forced Displacement” in International Migration
Engl, Alice, and Verena Wisthaler. (2018). Stress Test for the Policy-making Capability of Cross-border Spaces? Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Euroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Finn, Victoria. (2018). Book Review of ‘The National versus the Foreigner in South America: 200 Years of Migration and Citizenship Law’ (2018). Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(8): 1374–1376.
Guérin, Nina. (2018). One Wave of Reforms, Many Outputs: The Diffusion of European Asylum Policies beyond Europe. Journal of European Public Policy, 25:7, 1068–1087.
Guia, Aitana. (2018) “Nativism, Gendered Islamophobia and Muslim Activism in Spanish North Africa”. In North Africa and the Making of Europe: Governance, Institutions and Culture, edited by Muriam Haleh Davis and Thomas Serres, 133-154. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
Guia, Aitana. (2018) “Politically Active Muslim Women: Embracing Citizenship and Feminism in Democratic Spain.” In Observing Islam in Spain, edited by Ana I. Planet and Angeles Ramirez. Leiden: Brill.
Johannesson, Livia. (2018). “Exploring the ‘Liberal Paradox’ from the Inside: Evidence from the Swedish Migration Courts.” International Migration Review.
Kluczewska, Karolina, and Oleg Korneev. (2018). Politics in the Tajik Emigrant Community Complex. Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 49:4, 27–58.
Lafleur, Jean-Michel, and Elsa Mescoli. (2018). Creating Undocumented EU Migrants through Welfare: A Conceptualization of Undeserving and Precarious Citizenship. Sociology, 52:3, 480–496.
Longo, Francesca. (2018). Italy and the Refugees Crisis: The Humanitarian Dilemma. In K. Sasikumar and D. Dudley (Eds.) Political and Military Sociology: The European Refugee Crisis. An Annual Review 45, pp. 91–105. Routledge.
Lutz, Philipp. (2018). Variation in policy success: Radical right populism and migration policy. West European Politics, 42:3, 517–544.
Mescoli, Elsa. (2018). Dominant Counter-Narratives to Islamophobia. Working Paper 18, CERS – Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies: University of Leeds.
Parveen Akhtar and Timothy Peace (2018) “Ethnic minorities in British politics: candidate selection and clan politics in the Labour Party” in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Perna, Roberta. (2018). Re-bounding EU citizenship from below: practices of healthcare for ‘(Il)legitimate EU Migrants’ in Italy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44:5, 829–848.
Perna, Roberta. (2018). Migrant Health Policies. Actors and Levels in a Multi‐Level Perspective. International Migration, 56: 11–25.
Ruedin, Didier. (2018). Participation in Local Elections: “Why Don’t Immigrants Vote More?” Parliamentary Affairs, 71:2, 243–262.
Ruedin, Didier, Sieglinde Rosenberger, and Nina Merhaut. (2018). Tracing Anti-Deportation Protests: A Longitudinal Comparison of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In S. Rosenberger, V. Stern and N. Merhaut (Eds.) Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation, pp. 89–115. IMISCOE Research Series. New York: Springer.
Ruedin, Didier, and Majlinda Nesturi. (2018). Choosing to Migrate Illegally: Evidence from Return Migrants. International Migration, 56:4, 235–249.
Siim, Birte, Anna Krasteva and Aino Saarinen (Eds.) (2018). Citizens’ Activism and Solidarity Movements: Contending with Populism. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Taras, Raymond. (2018) Nationhood, Migration and Global Politics (Edinburgh University Press, October 2018)
Toruńczyk-Ruiz, Sabina, and Zuzanna Brunarska. (2018). Through Attachment to Settlement: Social and Psychological Determinants of Migrants’ Intentions to Stay. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Tsourapas, Gerasimos (2018) “Labor Migrants as Political Leverage: Migration Interdependence and Coercion in the Mediterranean” in International Studies Quarterly.
Vintila, D., Lafleur, J-M., and Nikolic, L. (2018). Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens: Belgium. RCAS/GLOBALCIT PP 2018/13.
Vintila, Daniela and Laura Morales. (2018). La Representación Política de las Personas de Origen Inmigrante en España e Italia. Papers: Revista de Sociologia, 103:4, 521–550.
Vintila, D. and Soare, S. (2018). Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens: Romania. RCAS/GLOBALCIT PP 2018/10.
Weinar, Agnieszka, Bonjour, Saskia, and Zhyznomirska, Lyubov (Eds.). (2018). The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe. London: Routledge.