Newsletter June 2024: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

Newsletter June 2024: ECPR Standing Group (SG) Migration and Ethnicity

SG News:

Our ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity is delighted to announce that the ECPR Online Seminar Series in Migration and Ethnicity continues to showcase the latest research in our field! Our next session will take place on 17 June 2024, when Bianca Cheregi, Malina Ciocea and Florenta Toader (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration) will present their research on ‘It could have been us’: Strategic narratives about Ukrainian refugees in the Romanian public sphere’

We will also have the opportunity to meet again with SG members during the ECPR General Conference that will take place from 12 to 15 August 2024 at University College Dublin. For this General Conference, our Standing Group has organised the Section S27 “International migration: Policies and politics. The Section is chaired by Verena Wisthaler (Eurac Research) and Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid) and includes the following panels:

P129: Diaspora on the Fringes: Alternative Narratives and Strategies of Resistance

P180: Forced migration: Actors and policy responses       

P256: Local Migration Governance: Policies and politics  

P262: Migrant labour and migrants’ access to welfare      

P263: Migrants as part of ‘the people’ in populist mobilisation    

P264: Migration and politics: electoral engagement, politicization, and parties      

P265: Migration and social protection: policies, politics and practices of a contested nexus             

P266: Migration Governance in Comparative Perspective

P289: Openness to Others: Nationalism, Migration and Representation   

P378: Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Politics and Policies

P432: The Everyday Communication of and Emerging Media for Chinese Diaspora in Europe          

P446: The politicization of immigration  

P458: The Securitisation of Migration in Border Regions: Shaping Policies and Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion in Southern Europe             

P460: The Spatiality of Migration Politics and Solidarity: From Urban to Rural Dimensions

V355: Protection and inclusion, or return to the country of origin of new waves of refugees: risks and opportunities               



SG Members’ News on Projects and Activities:

CfP Conference on Urban Memories of Migration March 7, 2025, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). Abstract submission deadline: 21 June 2024

CfP ETMU 2024 Conference Panel (panel 13) on Unpacking Narratives of Migration: Visual Approaches and Hopeful Engagements November 6-8, 2024, Tampere University. Deadline for papers: 26 June 2024.

CfP Workshop of Migration and Democratic Diffusion (MIGRADEMO), November 21-22, 2024, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona. Abstract submission deadline:26 June 2024.


Vacancies (2024)

The Department for Migration and Globalisation at University of Continuing Education Krems, Austria is looking for 1 Post-Doctoral Researcher interested in ethical issues related to migration policy making. Application deadline: 30 September 2024. For details contact


Eurac Research, in cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden (Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies) is welcoming applications for a PhD position within an international and interdisciplinary research project in multilingualism research, sociolinguistics and political science for a period of 3 years. The doctoral student will be based at the Center for Migration and Diversity of Eurac Research (Bozen/Bolzano – Italy) while being enrolled at the Institute of German Studies and Media Cultures of the Technical University of Dresden (Germany) where they will participate in the doctoral programme (Dr. phil. in German Linguistics / German as a Second/Foreign Language). The ideal start date for the position would be October 2024. The PhD candidate will focus on linguistic discrimination, and write an empirical dissertation within the frame of linguistic discrimination in the housing market in South Tyrol/Italy. Comparative studies between South Tyrol and other regions are also welcome. For more details see here

Deadline for application: 15.07.2024. Full details and link to application: Studente/ssa PhD nell’ambito di ricerca “Discriminazione Linguistica” | Eurac Research (



New Publications from SG Members (2024)

Brunarska Z. (2024) Unfulfilled Intentions: Family Stories and Narratives on Unrealised Emigration under Emigration Restrictions. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 1-19.

Irabor, P. (2024). European Union response on the Return Directive and Readmission Agreements (RDRA) concerning irregular migrants from Nigeria. Yearbook of European Integration. Vol 17.

Osso, B. N. (2024). How art and social media transformed refugee movements in Lesvos. Forced Migration Review, (73), 72-76.

Osso, B. N. (2024). It Takes More Than Two? Doing Transdisciplinary Research on Migration Management and Refugee Struggles. IMISCOE PhD Blog, Special Issue (Summer 2024), 15-19.

Saczuk K., & Brunarska Z. (eds) (2024). Perceived Discrimination on Ethnic, Racial and Religious Grounds in Europe: Insights from the Eurobarometer Survey. RAISE Deliverable 4.1.

Saracino, D. (2024). The European Union’s Response to the Refugee Movements from Ukraine. The End of the Solidarity Crisis? Central and Eastern European Migration Review.  1-22.

Speranta, D & Ettore, R. (2024). The French Exception on the European Migration Scene. Metropolitics (Online journal).


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