2025 ECPR Joint Sessions: Call for workshop proposals related to migration and ethnicity

Dear members of the ECPR Standing Group Migration and Ethnicity,

The Call for Workshop proposals for the 2025 ECPR Joint Sessions (to be held between 20–23 May 2025 at Charles University in Prague) is now out. Please find more information here, including the submission details. Deadline for submission: 11 September 2024.

Our ECPR Standing Group can formally endorse one workshop proposal related to migration and ethnicity. Although the endorsement of a workshop proposal by an ECPR  Standing Group is not a prerequisite, SG-endorsed proposals are treated preferentially: of two equal-quality proposals, priority is given to the one endorsed by a Standing Group.

If you wish your proposal to be endorsed by our SG Migration and Ethnicity, please send it to us by September 2 via email to Daniela.Vintila@uliege.be, verena.wisthaler@eurac.edu, sumpierrezdereguero@gmail.com, roberta.perna@csic.es and nawalsh93@gmail.com. The proposals received will be internally discussed and we will let you know about the endorsement decision by September 4.

Best wishes,

Daniela Vintila, Verena Wisthaler, Roberta Perna, Sebastián Umpierrez, Nawal Shaharyar

Convenors of the ECPR SG Migration & Ethnicity

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